Moldovan crisis(1992)

Created by Weter (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 9/2/2019
Number of attempts: 115
Number of wins: 101
Number of likes: 15
Record holder: mythea in 3 turns on 9/2/2019


Like in Georgia,Tajikistan,Russia, Moldova,immediately after independence, the country plunged into chaos. in south local turks- gagauz,s try gain independence(thank you moldovan nationalists!).In Transnistria the same situation, however, instead of Gagauz there were Russians, Ukrainians, and Moldavian Communists.

In real history Moldova take(without war) only Gagauzia. Transnistria become free country(Fact-Russian Flag in 2014 become 2 state flag). But i love my audience and you can take ALL former lands of Moldavian SSR.