When Weter imagines...Emergency in USSR

Created by Weter (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/31/2019
Number of attempts: 70
Number of wins: 58
Number of likes: 9
Record holder: koning in 4 turns on 8/31/2019


"Economy collapsed, country collapsing, nationalism and separatism on rise-well, enough reason for an emergency."
("August Putch"description)
Alt.History-State Committee of Emergency (Gosudárstvenny Komitét po CHrezvycháynomu Polozhéniyu,(GKCHP) took power in their hands. Instead of the suspended Mikhail Gorbachev, Gennady Yanaev became the new President of the USSR. But! Soviet citizens who wanted democracy and change,did not want the junta and Poland 1981-1981(local then General has imposed a state of martial law). do not forget about nationalism(and Russian and Ukrainian and everyone) and separatism(also everyone).