August Putch(Yeltsin)

Created by Weter (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 8/29/2019
Number of attempts: 111
Number of wins: 84
Number of likes: 6
Record holder: Daddy-O in 2 turns on 8/29/2019


(Real History!)19 August,1991-part of the Soviet leadership(in particular-Vice President Gennady Yanayev,Defense Minister Dmitry Yazov,Home Secretary Boris Pugo) create a State Committee of Emergency*(Gosudárstvenny Komitét po CHrezvycháynomu Polozhéniyu(GKCHP)). They took the President(Mikhail Gorbachev) hostage and try take by storm House of Parliament(Verkhovny Sovet)when hided main enemy of GKCHP-Boris Yeltsin**(President of Russian SFSR). But indecision and slowness led to the fact that the GKCHP lost.

*Economy collapsed, country collapsing(and collapsed), nationalism and separatism on rise-well, enough reason for an emergency.
**there was no assault(he was in '93), but Yeltsin's speech on the tank(which was under the control of the GKCHP) and his words" reaction(to the reforms of 1985-1991) will not pass!" have its place in this carousel of madness.