Modern World Megacampaign: Intermarium

Created by Antonius I of Smoleńsk (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 1/17/2019
Number of attempts: 100
Number of wins: 43
Number of likes: 12
Record holder: DH in 23 turns on 1/18/2019


Megacampaign,which takes place in our modern world.
Here you will play as Intermarium( aka: Between Seas,Three Seas or Międzymorze.It's an union insipred by Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and was planned to form before World War II. In this scenario,Populist Poland succesfuly creates this union and shows power of united countries,the UK left EU,so Scotland and Northern Ireland joined as a diffrent nations.
Most of Megacampaigns looks diffrent.