NATO-WTO War pt. 1

Created by Squirrlystew (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 10/23/2018
Number of attempts: 204
Number of wins: 194
Number of likes: 15
Record holder: T54321 in 4 turns on 10/23/2018


Following WW2, Israel was created as a jewish country allied to NATO, although Syria, which surrounded it, became communism, the new world-wide threat. Diring WW2, Syria wasn’t engulfed by the reich, but they supported it. After Germany was defeated, Syria still disliked the Jews, and planned to get rid of it. This, of course, would spark conflicts with NATO, and with the U.S.’s power, they would get distroyed. In retaliation, they formed a secret pact with the Soviet Union, secretly became communists, and, in April 1952, invaded and conquered Israel. Saudi Arabia, a closeby NATO country, declared war only five hours later, three hour after they got the news, with permission of NATO. The WTO and NATO were now at war. Two days later, they blitzed into Saudi Arabia. Take control of Saudi Arabia to push the communists out of your land.