The Polaris Expedition

Created by Seleukos (all)
State: Public
AI: Prod 2.0 with randomness
Went public on 5/6/2017
Number of attempts: 502
Number of wins: 59
Number of likes: 17
Record holder: YoctoByte in 14 turns on 5/7/2017


The Polaris Expedition came about from a cosmic accident, a serendipitous wormhole that suddenly appeared in the Solar System. Earth’s first robotic missions were quickly followed by a manned one; with those brave explorers aware that the wormhole might disappear as suddenly as it appeared, but willing to risk permanent seclusion for the chance to study a new world.

Shortly after their arrival, that fear was realised; but what they discovered was an alien facility of great antiquity. It took years to discern its purpose: it was a factory for building starships; starships capable of punching through normal space and traveling faster than light. The Expedition eventually restored the factory to working order, and resolved upon a new mission: they would explore the surrounding stars and return to Earth.

Little did they know that their expansion would interfere with the designs of two warring interstellar alliances, and that their intervention in that war would change the course of galactic history...