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Level 20951 - 20975 of 22547   <<Prev   1  2  3  ...  420  ...  838  839  840  ...  870  ...  901  902  Next >>   
Poland   21 likes, 134 wins in 429 attempts
Created by kapek
Record holder: Ario in 10 turns
8   7 likes, 934 wins in 1411 attempts
Created by Joefighter
Record holder: FakeAR in 17 turns
Commanders of Schleswig-Holstein   17 likes, 117 wins in 232 attempts
Created by Olkani [PG]
Record holder: FakeAR in 4 turns
???   36 likes, 253 wins in 301 attempts
Created by Peter Van der Kuylen
Record holder: idk618 in 7 turns
choose   21 likes, 152 wins in 518 attempts
Created by Lisa Argostoli
Record holder: ght in 15 turns
The World of Ice and Fire   22 likes, 146 wins in 289 attempts
Created by Caleb Balowski
Record holder: MC in 6 turns
The Feline State 11: Operation Airborne Cats   2 likes, 11 wins in 52 attempts
Created by (((Tabby Juggernaut)))
Record holder: Robert Lindsay in 4 turns
Alternate Future of WWII (Part 47)   6 likes, 74 wins in 104 attempts
Created by Winter Midnight
Record holder: druide in 11 turns
Civil War   18 likes, 176 wins in 229 attempts
Created by Larry5454
Record holder: Gincompetent in 3 turns
Strange Dimension 2   39 likes, 228 wins in 686 attempts
Created by Olkani [PG]
Record holder: Lee in 19 turns
England   33 likes, 499 wins in 923 attempts
Created by Tiny
Record holder: The_nito in 3 turns
La France et la corse VS Italie   7 likes, 108 wins in 111 attempts
Created by Tiny
Record holder: Corsaire in 4 turns
Argentina Provincias   25 likes, 128 wins in 401 attempts
Created by Pablo Echevarría
Record holder: Ken in 28 turns
europe 2   9 likes, 246 wins in 778 attempts
Created by sidney
Record holder: Tarzan101 in 18 turns
western front & african colonies WW2   5 likes, 104 wins in 138 attempts
Created by angel
Record holder: druide in 8 turns
Iceland Part 10: Iberia   11 likes, 158 wins in 167 attempts
Created by Christian Wilson
Record holder: fb1234 in 4 turns
Iceland Part 9: The Balkans   10 likes, 133 wins in 138 attempts
Created by Christian Wilson
Record holder: MasterPC in 2 turns
Iceland Part 8: France   9 likes, 118 wins in 124 attempts
Created by Christian Wilson
Record holder: hitsher in 6 turns
normal   27 likes, 213 wins in 707 attempts
Created by Garrett ByThe Way
Record holder: KiwiFred in 14 turns
Iceland Part 7: Russia   10 likes, 144 wins in 147 attempts
Created by Christian Wilson
Record holder: druide in 4 turns
Iceland Part 6: Central Europe   8 likes, 137 wins in 146 attempts
Created by Christian Wilson
Record holder: druide in 5 turns
Iceland Part 5: North Sea   15 likes, 172 wins in 190 attempts
Created by Christian Wilson
Record holder: Sun Zoo in 5 turns
Iceland Part 4: The Baltic   19 likes, 215 wins in 224 attempts
Created by Christian Wilson
Record holder: Jaimetc in 12 turns
Iceland Part 3: Finland   16 likes, 177 wins in 180 attempts
Created by Christian Wilson
Record holder: lovrohrkac in 5 turns
Latvia   17 likes, 118 wins in 508 attempts
Created by Baraben
Record holder: teelabrown in 17 turns
Level 20951 - 20975 of 22547   <<Prev   1  2  3  ...  420  ...  838  839  840  ...  870  ...  901  902  Next >>