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Level 14501 - 14525 of 21514   <<Prev   1  2  3  ...  291  ...  580  581  582  ...  721  ...  860  861  Next >>   
????   16 likes, 99 wins in 445 attempts
Created by Fox
Record holder: Peret in 17 turns
who are you?'s level 2   7 likes, 87 wins in 141 attempts
Created by who are you?
Record holder: qs in 25 turns
WW2 What CountryGermary   8 likes, 751 wins in 791 attempts
Created by WW1 of 2
Record holder: Gafton Alin in 10 turns
who are you?'s level 1   5 likes, 36 wins in 315 attempts
Created by who are you?
Record holder: Parsifal in 36 turns
015   25 likes, 152 wins in 367 attempts
Created by hank
Record holder: BG in 14 turns
Reliefer   50 likes, 348 wins in 544 attempts
Created by Brogz
Record holder: Zocotoed in 12 turns
014   30 likes, 1055 wins in 1362 attempts
Created by hank
Record holder: Melvin Smith in 11 turns
WW1 Final End World   4 likes, 79 wins in 88 attempts
Created by WW1 of 2
Record holder: Vikar in 4 turns
Deathmatch 3   7 likes, 94 wins in 129 attempts
Created by [G1]LioKaiser
Record holder: photon in 8 turns
WW1 G-Final Europe Vs Turkey   7 likes, 86 wins in 92 attempts
Created by WW1 of 2
Record holder: Dudde112 in 2 turns
WW1 S-Final USA Vs A-H   2 likes, 43 wins in 46 attempts
Created by WW1 of 2
Record holder: PallandoBlue in 3 turns
WW1 Russla Vs USSR   4 likes, 78 wins in 87 attempts
Created by WW1 of 2
Record holder: Strangesmell in 5 turns
Risk: Fire Emblem   15 likes, 108 wins in 126 attempts
Created by Ryan L
Record holder: Zocotoed in 9 turns
world war 2   5 likes, 39 wins in 58 attempts
Created by Thomas Andreas Kocher
Record holder: Flittering Night Beast in 15 turns
world conquest pt 2 (persia)   15 likes, 101 wins in 442 attempts
Created by IT'S RUCKA
Record holder: Jose in 7 turns
world conquest pt 1(ottoman empire)   18 likes, 106 wins in 619 attempts
Created by IT'S RUCKA
Record holder: Lepanto31 in 5 turns
Rise of the German Reich part 1: Czech Disputes   7 likes, 103 wins in 109 attempts
Created by Happybon
Record holder: gigle leme in 3 turns
how it feels like series(stage 4)   25 likes, 151 wins in 494 attempts
Created by IT'S RUCKA
Record holder: artur19176 in 8 turns
how it feels like series(stage 3)   19 likes, 157 wins in 356 attempts
Created by IT'S RUCKA
Record holder: jamjarwolf in 10 turns
how it feels like(ceasars challenge(brown guy)   14 likes, 767 wins in 1012 attempts
Created by IT'S RUCKA
Record holder: DH in 19 turns
side VS sides VS sides and so on...   17 likes, 173 wins in 288 attempts
Created by warhead
Record holder: Kala in 5 turns
013   24 likes, 152 wins in 317 attempts
Created by hank
Record holder: Olisurf in 11 turns
Alt. WW2 Axis-Allies Cooperation   7 likes, 46 wins in 68 attempts
Created by [G1]LioKaiser
Record holder: hank in 13 turns
Battle for Europe! [Battle Royale #1]   15 likes, 107 wins in 284 attempts
Created by Comet
Record holder: Olisurf in 17 turns
012   23 likes, 151 wins in 762 attempts
Created by hank
Record holder: Olisurf in 12 turns
Level 14501 - 14525 of 21514   <<Prev   1  2  3  ...  291  ...  580  581  582  ...  721  ...  860  861  Next >>