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Map of the week discussion: Week 486: 2024-06-06 22:07:19

Level 64

Warzone Creator

Every week we vote on 5 maps, and the map with the most votes becomes the map of the week for the following week.

Go here to vote: https://www.warzone.com/MapOfTheWeek/View?Week=486

You can use this thread to discuss the current vote. Tell us why you voted the way you did!
Map of the week discussion: Week 486: 2024-06-06 23:29:10

Level 55
there is only one choice for me. seems a bit noncompetitive.
Map of the week discussion: Week 486: 2024-06-06 23:35:47

Level 60
The other choices are filled by members upon nominating. Check back later for the full ballot.
Map of the week discussion: Week 486: 2024-06-07 14:29:27

Level 28
Many thanks to whomever nominated my Iowa map, but it really does not deserve to win. My skills do not lie predominantly in mapmaking. : )
Map of the week discussion: Week 486: 2024-06-07 22:59:26

Level 63
Are you still active in single player? Nice to see a familiar face that leaves constructive map reviews.
Map of the week discussion: Week 486: 2024-06-12 16:33:48

Level 28
Absolutely. Us old timers are few and far between.

Actually, it was your Africa map that first got me hooked on what was then Warlight (or lite, I honestly can't remember), back when I found it on some rando gaming site.
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