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Auto-Functions is broken and how could be fixed: 2024-05-05 00:43:12

kiss me kannon
Level 58
I don't think anyone would argue that the various Auto-Functions are better than somewhere between mostly useless and downright harmful, right?

The issue is obviously that once set it would work blindly on a single operating parameter which can only be increased. That it can be enabled or disabled at will is the only salving grace, but a very small at that given that I guess everyone keeps them all disabled at all time, except perhaps for Auto-Smelt...

While the ideal solution would be to have a set of controls that let you choose several preferences I can see why that would be a very complex task. However the code already support one variable, the amount that can be upgraded. So my suggestion would be to introduce a simple cursor instead of the on/off switch, that will let you free to ALWAYS set the amount from 0 to the max value you have unlocked. That would make it worth to unlock higher levels (in most cases as it is now is counterproductive) and would make the Auto function much more useful, as you would be able to tailor it to your particular needs in a given game.
At the same time it would not be a free giveaway since after all it only allows you to use less than what you already "paid" for... it woudl only make it... better?

Your opinions?
Auto-Functions is broken and how could be fixed: 2024-05-05 14:05:28

Level 60
That sounds like a great idea!
And I think it would be a top tier feature if you could line up (+1 per upgrade) new tasks after an x amount of the current/previous item/ore has been made.
small note, also enable to cancel the current task after x amount.

I have no idea if this is easy to implement or not
Auto-Functions is broken and how could be fixed: 2024-05-05 15:16:44

Level 63
I think this has been requested before, but yes, this would be absolutely lovely to have!

I would also like to be able to set these settings for WZIB as well (so i can use my 50% AQ instead of 5% AAQ).
Auto-Functions is broken and how could be fixed: 2024-05-05 15:21:06

Level 62
One thing I've wanted for a long time was separate toggles for auto-smelt and auto-craft.
Auto-Functions is broken and how could be fixed: 2024-05-05 20:33:32

Level 58
On the Super train none of them are critically in get your 100k. If your going to do WZIB all but auto-mine is good. Only three would I think about using, auto-hospital, auto-dig, and auto upgrade army camps. It would be nice to assign priority to dig sites while the other two can usually go as far as they can while I am idle.
Auto-Functions is broken and how could be fixed: 2024-05-06 02:43:01

Level 36
I believe auto functions are designed for WZIB & challenges level, otherwise pretty useless.

To make any use of autos, you need to micromanage them, turn on, let them run a while, then turn off again.
Auto-Functions is broken and how could be fixed: 2024-05-06 19:14:42

Level 56
at least three autos are very valuable and without them, some artifacts would leave their power.

So there is "Auto-Upgrade Hospitals", which is mandatory for legendary or insane "time warp"
"Auto-Purchase Mercenaries" and "Advanced Auto-Conquer" are the must have after that, once the hospitals are high enough.

"Advanced Auto-Conquer" save large amount of time and prevents repetitive strain injury in your arm. This helps after each level of hospital, as the intelligence built in occupies first the territories, which are free. I will not miss that in the larger levels!
Auto-Functions is broken and how could be fixed: 2024-05-06 19:18:51

Level 63
Auto upgrade hospitals is not that good, once you can afford it, you're far enough into idle that you dont need to upgrade hospitals anymore...
Auto-Functions is broken and how could be fixed: 2024-05-09 22:25:33

Level 58
You finish P4 with Hex JK_3?
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