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What is wrong with Insane Time Warp?: 2024-04-23 12:05:47

Level 57
After long digging I own now an insane Time Warp.
Now I made the following observation:
I tried to get Hardened Europe Huge again, I had the first 14 Hospitals at level 2 and Bronnoy at level 1.
I switched auto upgrade Hospitals (100%) on and played my time warp 2 minutes later.

I have enough money (right now still 1.7T left). I expected to see my first hospitals either at max or at beginning of level 7, but the top 3 hospitals have only reached level 5 with 88% finished! All others are maxed, as expected.
What is wrong with Insane Time Warp?: 2024-04-23 12:15:22

Level 61
insane Time Warp is 8 hours. hospital is 2 hours per level.
it is around 8 hours.

every auto mechanism work once every 6 minutes while idle time or TW so some minutes are missed here.<=not sure about it
What is wrong with Insane Time Warp?: 2024-04-23 12:43:11

Level 63
every auto mechanism work once every 6 minutes while idle time or TW so some minutes are missed here.

This is only true for the the default idle time of 2 hours, or for a 2 hour timewarp.

What actually happens is that the total time to warp* is divided up into 20 equal sections. For each section it first adds resources (current income per seconds * duration of section), then it runs all the auto advancements.

So if you warp 8 hours, your auto advancements only run once every 24 minutes.

* = Duration of your total timewarp (superpower counts as a single 10h warp) / however long you were afk for (limited by your max idle time).

Edited 4/23/2024 12:57:17
What is wrong with Insane Time Warp?: 2024-04-23 12:49:06

Level 57
Max idle time (42 hours) is also not the problem.
So it must be caused by the mechanism, JK_3 describes above.

Thanks for the explanation.
What is wrong with Insane Time Warp?: 2024-04-23 14:27:12

Level 62
I need to write that down for myself to get it:

* start of hops upgrade 1->2
* 2 minutes pass until 8h TW is triggered, basically doing 20 auto actions every 24 minutes:
* trigger #00: hosps are at 2 minutes // nothing happens
* trigger #01: hops are at 26 minutes // nothing happens
* trigger #02: hosps are at 50 minutes
* trigger #03: hosps are at 74 minutes
* trigger #04: hosps are at 98 minutes
* trigger #05: hosps are at 122 minutes, so level 2 is reached and upgrade 2->3 is triggered, upgrade starts with 0 minutes
* trigger #06-#09: nothing happens
* trigger #10: 120 minutes have passed since trigger, so level 3 is reached and upgrade 3->4 is triggered
* trigger #11-#14: nothing happens
* trigger #15: 120 minutes have passed since trigger, so level 4 is reached and upgrade 4->5 is triggered
* trigger #16-#19: nothing happens, except that 96 minutes have passed, which is 80% of the current hospital upgrade to level 5

Yep, that perfectly matches with your observations. Nice!
What is wrong with Insane Time Warp?: 2024-04-23 14:44:08

Level 57
thanks otto for your detailed writeup. The small difference in your writeup to my observation is perhaps caused by the startpoint.
I expect, that the start for the first trigger may happen much earlier, depending how far the game was in one of the 6min slots.
What is wrong with Insane Time Warp?: 2024-04-25 04:50:10

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
With regards to the Time Warp, you must remember to do it right.
It's just a jump to the left
And then a step to the right
Put your hands on your hips
You bring your knees in tight
But it's the pelvic thrust
That really drives you insane
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