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Super Ascending - Artifact Strategy - I need help!: 2024-04-10 06:38:03

Level 56
Yo Forum!

I think I have misunderstood one of the Idle Guides, as I thought you would be able to keep 1 extra artifact every super ascension, and that could be upgraded to 2 extra if you chose the perk of keeping additional artifacts.

However it seems like you only get to keep 2 forever if you never pick that choice. Please confirm.

I am a very casual WZI player. I don't plan to super ascend often, but what strategy should I chose?

First Super Ascend (in 6 months time? With 3000-4000 AP per week): +25% AP (Keep 1 Insane and 1 Epic or Legendary)
Second Super Ascend (12 months after?) +50% AP (Keep 2 Insane)
3rd Super Ascend: +50% AP + 1 Art (2 Insane + 1 Leg) - If I manage to speed things up....
4th Super Ascend: +50% AP + 2 Art (2 Insane + 2 Leg)
5th Super Ascend: +50% AP + 3 Art (2 Insane + 3 Leg)
6th Super Ascend: +50% AP + 4 Art (2 Insane + 4 Leg)
7th Super Ascend: +75% AP + 4 Art (3 Insane + 3 low level)
8th Super Asecnd: +100% AP + 4 Art (3 Insane + 1 Leg + 2 low level)
9th Super Asecnd: +125% AP + 4 Art (3 Insane + 2 Leg + 1 low level)
10th Super Asecnd: +150% AP + 4 Art (3 Insane + 3 Leg)
11th Super Ascend: +150% AP + 5 Art (3 Insane + 4 Leg)
12th Super Ascend: +175% AP + 5 Art (4 Insane + 3 Low level)

This is probably my plan for the next five years....

And so on. Any thoughts?
Super Ascending - Artifact Strategy - I need help!: 2024-04-10 10:04:46

Level 63
However it seems like you only get to keep 2 forever if you never pick that choice. Please confirm.


I am a very casual WZI player. I don't plan to super ascend often, but what strategy should I chose?

Your first reward is mostly based on what artifacts you have available at the time of super ascending.
If you have 4-5 legendaries, go for insane + legendary + 25% AP.
If you have 3, take all 3 with you.
If you have some other combo of artifacts, you can apply the same logic.

After that its mostly based on what you feel slows you down more, and pick a reward that helps with that.
If you feel the early levels slow you down a lot, you might for example take a SAC or A^B artifact extra.
If you mostly struggle with getting AP, you might want to pick +25% AP.
Super Ascending - Artifact Strategy - I need help!: 2024-04-10 10:16:18

Level 62
Thats what I did:
1st run: 25% AP and 1 insane (AV) and 1 leg (SAC)
2nd to 4th: stack to 100% AP, and yes, discard a lot of epic artis after those supers
5th/6th: get arti slots to 4 and add leg TW and leg acampb for helping in wzib
7/8: 150% AP brought me to the point where i can have enough AM for the maps that i reach at each time
9-12: more slots and aim for 3 epics per super

next: intermix slots and AP so that i dont have to discard any epic
Super Ascending - Artifact Strategy - I need help!: 2024-04-11 15:25:03

Level 58
Do you play idle everyday? Do you play idle several times a day? Do you play idle several hours at a time?

The less you play the more you should focus on +AP as the extreme times are those early levels won't bug you as much. If you play idle all the time building up artifacts helps till you get into P4 again.

It is way more playstyle than a right path.
Super Ascending - Artifact Strategy - I need help!: 2024-04-13 04:05:52

Level 40
I have just done my second SuperAscension with two Insanes, which seems to be your plan. I honestly can't recommend it -- it takes 75 days at best in late stage 4 to dig a legendary, so you get the AP to SuperAscend way before getting enough legendaries for the second Insane. I've basically spent the last three months (maybe a lot longer) doing nothing except digs, and that's with getting a legendary from WZIB.

So if you plan to actually play the game, then my opinion is that you're way better off (in terms of engagement) to stick with legendaries after the first SuperAscension and either take +25% AP or extra artifact depending on your preference. It goes a lot faster after the first time, especially with a high level Alloy Values artifact.
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