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Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-09 21:56:41

Level 57
I currently need 55000 AP in phase four to super ascend for first time, whereof I have have 11000 saved up ready to use as of now.
In phase 4, I have maxed Increased Army Caches and Better Hospitals, and one extra simul level (13301 ap).
How can I best allocate my AP in order to speed up completion of this first super ascension?
I feel most of the auto advancements in phase 4 are intended for battles, and will really not help much for finishing levels faster.
Auto draft seems to be an advancements that is worthless unless fully maxed, where it turns into fantastic with instant auto draft.
So how many AP will it take me to max it? I see that it takes 2444 to open.
A second option is to accumulate 9000 more poinst to open a third simul.
A third option is AAQ, but I have a feeling it might be a long shot before it performs better than my maxed AQ, especially when I sleep.
My phase 1 army camp boost was left off at +150%. Im in doubt whether to max it to 500% to speed things up, but points spent in phase 1 do not contribute towards super ascension keeps me back from spending them there.
I have maxed the obvious ones such as additional mercenaries, mercenary discount, etc.

Any ideas on how to allocate poinst in order to speed up Sasc completion?
I have leg AV, epic ACacheB, ACampB, HB and TW, and my fifth epic is coming up soon, wherefore I want to super ascend as soon as possible, so I can pick +25% AP without discarding too valuable artifacts.

Thanks to this forum for giving great input in previous posts to a first sasc timer :)

Edited 4/9/2024 21:58:48
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-09 21:59:12

Bahamut Rojo
Level 61
Max out your army camp boost imo. at least to 400%
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-09 22:04:03

Level 62
Auto-draft is lovely when maxed and speeds things up in general. I always max it. This takes 10044 AP.

Simultaneous levels is nice when unlocked because you can keep a nearly complete level open for digging and filling clan requests, but actually playing a bunch of levels is kind of a drag. This is of course subjective; you may enjoy it.

I usually take advanced auto-conquer to rank 3.
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-09 22:20:25

Level 62

Edited 4/9/2024 22:30:05
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-09 22:32:55

Level 57
Thanks Awaythro!
Auto draft now maxed.
And I will sink well into my sleep tonight, thinking about those auto drafts :)
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-11 15:48:15

Level 58
When I am at that stage and the only active I use is a TW as I want the other 3 slots open for passive artifacts.

I do Sengoku, start Scandinavia and Hard Old Town, these three you should be able to do without upgrading hospitals, do Hard Old Town again, Hard Scandinavia, Hard Rome, Huge Europe, should be doable with one hospital upgrade and repeat. Hard Rome is the overnight, use a SAC spot or skip it for me.

AC to 500 will speed you up.
Skip level(10) is required.
AD(Max) and it is pretty worthless until it is maxxed. Max draft boost also.

While I could do HC or HEH without using powers I don't think it is very good for the time investment.
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-18 06:35:37

Level 56
IACP is a trap, I take it up to 100% and stop. Any AP spent in P1 is dead weight towards a SA. Once you're in P4, IACP really only matters to get you to a big enough CRA (~1-3M, depending on the level) to reach the first market with a cache surf, and you can instead dump that AP into bigger CRAs, which is not dead weight towards a SA because it's in P4.
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-18 10:02:33

Level 58
On a race to 100k taking a 10k detour likely isn't the best path. I am usually more concerned with the 3200 BPs than 100k APs myself so I agree with Mr. Fancy Pant.
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-18 20:52:50

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
Simo levels is good if you got the time, at the very least while you are waiting for hospitals you can grind away on other levels or have hospitals finishing.

Improved autoconq is great at about 10%, get the hospitals, run it till it stops getting free clay. Do it again when your hospitals are leveled up to your preference then grab some vital army camps and caches and let her rip to finish a level with minimal busting of fingers from the click fury.

Auto draft is nice for challenges/battle although if you have maxed out army cache and hospitals and maxed out additional mercs [why oh why must it be first level oy vey gevelt] you really shouldn't need it for idle maps.

auto buy mercs can be good again for challenges and battle. Not much else, a bit of AP from challenges and depending on how far you are in battle also.

Thus endith the lesson.
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-19 06:36:18

Level 60
I like faster digging, and auto-dig, as valuable Phase 4 upgrades after Army Caches and Better Hospitals are maxed.

They may not speed up earning AP, but artifact strategy should be an even more important factor when contemplating your first SAscend than how you allocate your AP on your way to that.

A side-note question: I've only SAscended once, and I did it to unlock all the levels. I am starting to wonder if there is any point to doing it again. Wiping my AP again seems relatively pointless, given how pinched the gameplay feels starting near zero again.

Why SuperAscend more than once?
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-19 18:15:57

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
There is really no point in supering more than once, those extra AP bonuses would only be useful if they add a newer super ascend like ultra ascend with more levels or something, but that seems highly unlikely to happen.

But meh, it's something to do. Kinda fun to see how fast you can super again and again, but yif you want to "finish" the game, aka do all levels and all tech on them and other achievements, then it's quickest to super once and go for broke.

I suppose there is the final final goal of getting enough starting AP to super right away IIRC only 2 have done it and Ivan is within spitting distance but it seems that would take an insane amount of time, and for no return again unless they add more content to the game which they won't. At least with achievements you get that thing under your profile.
Another goal is to have an insane of all artifacts and be able to keep them, but again, an insane amount of time, and most of them are useless.

I'd like to super enough to get enough AP bonus to get skip levels to avoid levels I hate, and to collect the more important artifacts, after that I'll probably chill.

Edited 4/19/2024 18:19:22
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-19 18:50:59

Level 62
There is really no point in supering more than once

The more you super-ascend, the quicker your super-ascension cycle becomes, and the more quickly you can accumulate artifacts from HCCC and WZIB. The two epics alone (the TS and the 1st place prize) would take about 37.5 days to dig up assuming Molification and max Faster Digging, and it took me about five super-ascensions to become faster than that. Currently I'm at about two weeks per super (so over an epic per week if you consider the value of the lesser WZIB prizes).
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-20 00:27:36

Level 58
As a goal 1340 +100 AP doesn't seem like much of a goal. Getting the top 7 to Insane seems cool I guess. Yes, the fastest path to digging isn't digging any more.
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-20 13:27:12

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
"The more you super-ascend, the quicker your super-ascension cycle becomes, and the more quickly you can accumulate artifacts from HCCC and WZIB. The two epics alone (the TS and the 1st place prize) would take about 37.5 days to dig up assuming Molification and max Faster Digging, and it took me about five super-ascensions to become faster than that. Currently I'm at about two weeks per super (so over an epic per week if you consider the value of the lesser WZIB prizes). "

I know all this, but it's still pointless, you are supering to super faster so you can super faster. Sure you get more artifacts to... super faster.
Once you unlock the new levels the quickest way to nail the rest of the achievements [if that is your bag] is to just keep going.
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-20 13:29:12

Level 62
If you want to do the new levels, then you will want really good artifacts (i.e. lots of insanes), and if you want lots of good artifacts, then you will want to accumulate fodder quickly, and the best way to accumulate fodder quickly is to super-ascend a bunch of times.
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-20 13:36:55

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
AP>artifacts, once you got enough to super you are on your way to domination city. 100% army cache, 50% hospitals, 500% army camp. etc.

A lot quicker to just keep going at a slower pace than spending a year or so collecting a bunch of insane artifacts.

Also by not supering more than once, you can improve on the ones you have. Sure if you super enough times you will be able to do it faster, but by the time you get a significant advantage, the one and done guy will have long ago gotten all the achievements and done everything there is to do in the game and can leave the house, pet the neighbourhood cats or do whatever normal people do. I donno.
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-20 13:44:26

Level 62
Let me remind you of L.L. (https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=70140007789&u=L.L._1) who did the post-super levels directly after his first super.

He only had a leg AV, SAC and AcacheB (according to https://www.warzone.com/Forum/589522-superascension-leaderboard?Offset=320) at that time, which was 12/16/2022.

And then, on 7/26/2023 he wrote (https://www.warzone.com/Forum/589522-superascension-leaderboard?Offset=680):
I finally completed my 2nd SAsc. Took 7 months because I went through all SAsc levels before ascending and also had to dig for ~3 months after I was done with AP. I'm keeping a soon to be ins ACacheB(6d left), a soon to be epic AV(2d left) and a epic SAC and take the +25%AP boost. Goal for the next SAsc is to get the AV back to leg.

So finishing all super levels is easily done with a leg acacheb (the other 2 artis should be more or less useless for those levels) within less than 4 months. Just need 2-3 IM powers per map and thats it.
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-20 13:48:43

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
I'll admit it is a bit fun collecting arties and AP bonuses but it does feel like a pointless grind many times.
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-20 13:50:56

Level 62
I wasn't taking the use of IM powers into account; I've been imagining heavy use of insane IM and TW artifacts (which would need to be built). If you have a bunch of powers available to spend, then fair enough.
Speeding up phase 4: Auto draft or simul levels?: 2024-04-20 14:05:54

Level 62
Why SuperAscend more than once?

1) Super-ascension leaderboard
2) it is faster to collect all insane artifact with multiple super-ascension than only once
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