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The Ultimate Ascension - coming soon!: 2024-04-01 20:11:11

Level 57
In contrast to super ascension, you can Ultimately Ascend only once, and only after having achieved around 10 Super Ascensions are you eligible to do so:

- When you Ultimately Ascend, you lose all your artifacts!
- On every Super Ascension hereafter, the original powers on all levels are reset once per Sasc. (like when you played through the levels the first time)

...and then you start to build up your artifacts arsenal afresh.
What say you guys? Will you sacrifice your hard earned artifacts in exchange for a steady stream of powers?

Edited 4/1/2024 20:24:32
The Ultimate Ascension - coming soon!: 2024-04-01 20:15:12

Level 63
Still no Super Descend?
The Ultimate Ascension - coming soon!: 2024-04-01 20:28:30

Morg'th N H'Throg
Level 61
If one were gunning for that, just don't work on artifacts [except for AV] till you get 10 deep.

FOr those of us who planned around keep artifacts for a long time and put serious dig time and or real life money it in, forget that.
The Ultimate Ascension - coming soon!: 2024-04-01 20:29:43

Level 57
Ultimate ascension was an April Fools' joke :) I couldn't resist it on this day.
I'm sure no one would opt to ultimate ascend anyway :)

Edited 4/1/2024 20:30:27
The Ultimate Ascension - coming soon!: 2024-04-01 21:01:04

Level 62
I heard (and spread) a similar rumour a while ago.
You lose all, and start really afresh, but for every super-duper-ascension, you get one artifact slot more....
The Ultimate Ascension - coming soon!: 2024-04-02 01:47:56

Level 36
Assuming this Ultimate Ascend was true...
Then you just need to do twenty to thirty times +20% digging speed before Ultimate Ascend
The Artifacts will come back fast
The Ultimate Ascension - coming soon!: 2024-04-03 13:55:54

Level 62
The idea of "Ultimate Ascension" is, that it also resets your super ascension rewards.
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