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MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 07:13:41

Level 65
Hey there,

one of the MTL admins, Beren, has agreed to update the MTL template pool by conducting a template competition style stream in which a group of skilled judges rates submitted templates. The best rated templates will be added to the MTL, the number of templates is yet to be determined.

I'm finding this a great opportunity for everyone to contribute to the development of the MTL, advertise it and propose templates that might otherwise be missed. As I'm based in India, I don't match anybody's timezone and will probably not be able to participate in the stream myself. Instead, I will help to organize it as much as I can to make this possible.

I'm looking for volunteers for the following:

1 Streamer
A person to conduct the stream and function as a judge

3-5 Judges
Your task will be to test all the submitted templates and assign them ratings on a scale from 1 (bad) to 10 (great). The testing should happen before the stream, as otherwise it would take too long. In the stream, you will be reviewing an example game on each template and elaborating on your judgement. The ratings will later be averaged. For better results, we will add a few elite players as judges that won't be on the stream. To minimize bias (judges anchoring to the first rating they heard), the judges won't know each other's ratings before picking their own. I will collect the ratings in advance and give them to the streamer as an Excel sheet. Each template's ratings will be announced after it was discussed, and the winners will be announced at the end of the stream.

As many template suggestions as possible
You know a nice template the MTL doesn't feature yet? Please propose it on this thread! Kindly include the following information:

a) Template name
b) Template creator name
c) Link to an example game
d) Brief explanation what the template features that the MTL does not have yet, or, if not applicable, why it would be a good addition anyways

Looking forward to hearing from you, guys!

MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 07:23:57

Level 65
Suggestion #1

a) Tarabonia's Choice
b) GiantFrog
c) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=36778433
d) Forced choice of a card to keep turn 1 based on the distribution outcome (completely unprecedented strategic concept)
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 07:28:43

Level 65
Suggestion #2

a) Aseridith Islands
b) PapaMarsh
c) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=37108411
d) First INSS template that usually forces you to pick no-income territories to avoid negative income, picks decide the game more often than on any other INSS template
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 07:34:50

Level 65
Suggestion #3

a) Fogless Fighting
b) alexclusive
c) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=36155342
d) First strategic template with no fog, emergency blockade card every other turn under WR & cycle conditions that benefit large stacks creates a unique tactical environment in which you have to anticipate foreseeable blockades whereever possible
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 07:43:16

Level 65
Suggestion #4

a) alexclusive's ME
b) This information is classified
c) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=36204275
d) First template that incentivizes you to take bonuses slowly rather than fast (fast, small bonuses being generally disadvantageous, including ftbs), a template that challenges your tactical intuition with only subtle changes to traditional mechanics (most of the effect being accomplished by setting the bonus values to number of territories -2 and reducing the number of initial armies per territory to 3)
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 08:17:33

Level 61
Suggestion #5

a) Blind Buccaneers
b) Min, as he has created every template in existence. Thank you, Min!
c) the template has only been played twice:
d) Its Intel themed: complete fog + eternal recon cards that slowly reveal the map for you.
At start players will (usually, i assume) give away intel on 2 of their 3 spawns to achieve a faster expansion.

Main benefit is not when playing, but when looking at how stupid the ppl look that played.
As a non-participant of the mtl, thats best i can hope for in a mtl template.

Edited 3/3/2024 11:54:17
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 08:18:00

Level 65
For new players that are unfamiliar with the MTL and dinosaurs that are stuck with the outdated link and confused why it doesn't work, here is the link to the MTL with plenty of further information about it: http://www.warlight-mtl.com/
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 11:14:04

Roi Joleil
Level 60
I can stream.

when is the deadline for submissions so i can stall until 1 day befor end?
I assume Modded templates wont work?

Edited 3/3/2024 11:16:22
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 11:18:17

Level 63
Is there a limit on the number of templates the MTL can have?
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 11:57:52

Level 65
There is no limit, but as far as my understanding goes, it's supposed to be around 50. We might retire one or several templates along with adding new ones.
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 12:00:28

Level 65
Many thanks, Joi! Let's determine the streaming details in private so that we can consider some dates. People might be more willing to volunteer as judges once they see a date and time.
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 12:01:40

Level 65
(And yeah, I'm pretty sure we can't add modded templates to the MTL at this time, because non-members couldn't play them and they would effectively be vetoed by default for them)
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 12:14:54

Level 63
If there are new templates exceeds the limit of around 50, there should be some kind of template popularity poll before other templates get replaced.
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 12:17:29

Beren Erchamion 
Level 64
I actually think mods may be allowed on the MTL. I need to confirm this, and it somewhat depends on some decisions I still need to make about how to deal with the member only nature of them, but if you have a great template with mods, I encourage you to submit it.
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 12:18:49

Level 65
We can tell that quite accurately by number of vetos along with analysis of the templates, but if there is any disagreement at all, we will consider coming back to that option. As for which (if any) templates get retired, that's not up to me at all though, I only got "permission" to select new templates this way :)
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 12:20:26

Level 65
Oh cool, you've heard Beren - please submit templates with mods as well, just mark them as "including mods" in some way!
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 12:34:25

Roi Joleil
Level 60
If Mods are considered, i might aswell post the idea already, even if unfinished as of yet

-Template and Map by Roi Joleil
-Game: [Once Published will be added]
-Requirements: Mod - Income Switch [Once Created. Dont think there is one yet]
-Uniqueness: Rather than increasing your own Income, you decrease the opponents Income.

Edited 3/3/2024 12:35:21
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 15:12:08

Level 65
Disclaimer: We don't know yet if modded templates can be considered. However, we are not eliminating that possibility, so if you have modded templates at hand, feel free to submit them. Please do not create sophisticated modded templates and be disappointed if they can't be added in the end :)
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 16:15:06

Level 60
Great initiative!

I volunteer to be one of the judges.
MTL Templates Update Stream: 2024-03-03 18:08:31

Beep Beep I'm A Jeep 
Level 64
a) Island of Ruins
b) Beep Jeep
c) https://www.warzone.com/MultiPlayer?GameID=22713693
d) Features the safe-attack-mod which changes the way you think about picking and the first 2 expansion turns
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