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Map miniature and borders: 2024-01-08 14:20:46

Brisk Sparrow
Level 62
Hi, I'm creating my first simple, map. I have a problem because it looks like my SVG map takes only small region in top left corner, and the rest of the map is empty. This happens both in map miniature and when I open it in editor / game.

Is there something wrong with my SVG or map config? Or maybe the map is just too small? I created SVG picture with 1000x1000 dimensions, but I tried also 2500x2500 and the result was very similar.

Map miniature and borders: 2024-01-08 14:52:12

Level 63
Do you have the viewbox of your SVG set up correctly in the document properties?

Units need to be in pixels, scale needs to be 1, viewbox offset needs to be 0
Map miniature and borders: 2024-01-08 15:53:34

Brisk Sparrow
Level 62
Yes! Thank you, the problem was viewbox scale, by default it was different than 1.
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