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Sharing victory: 2023-08-15 14:10:20

Level 58
Hi, someone told me that many large multi-day games end in a shared victory where the remaining players vote to end and still get points.
Is that true? We can just vte and share the points?

I only started playing more multi-day games recently, so would be great if someone could help...
Sharing victory: 2023-08-15 14:18:09

Level 62
I have recently had a game which ended by VTE, but it definitely gave me 0 points. But it was a 1vs1, maybe the situation is different in an FFA where some surrendered/were eliminated before the VTE happens?
Sharing victory: 2023-08-15 14:32:53

Level 60
VTE gives ZERO points and can only be done if its not a coin game for obvious reasons. whoever told you that is misunderstanding things. the only way to get points on a VTE turn is what otto mentioned.

Edited 8/15/2023 14:33:40
Sharing victory: 2023-08-15 15:04:48

Level 58
ok, do I understand it right that when voting we would share the points of the players who have already been eliminated or surrendered? that is actually what we're looking for.
Sharing victory: 2023-08-15 15:06:46

Level 62
I only said that i never tested vte with partial surrenders. I only know that in 1vs1, there are 0 points

Edited 8/15/2023 15:07:08
Sharing victory: 2023-08-15 18:24:57

Level 63
Sharing victory: 2023-08-15 18:37:57

(ง︡'-'︠)ง let's fight!! 
Level 62
So to be clear. You dont get any points when you vote to end.

What you have been told is not true.
Sharing victory: 2023-08-15 22:32:49

Level 60
VTE exists for testing purposes. Users can playtest maps, mods, and scenarios and if something goes wrong, they can VTE to end the game. In this use case, giving out shared points doesn't really make sense imo
Sharing victory: 2023-08-15 22:44:42

Level 58
alright, thanks folks. looks like we have to play it out then. i'm not gonna join games with those giant maps again in that case :)
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