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1 v 1 auto games with 3 minutes?: 2023-07-08 08:39:31

Level 57
Can we have 1 v 1 auto games with 3 minutes in addition to the 5 minute games? Just like Chess, which has different time limit variants like blitz and classical.
1 v 1 auto games with 3 minutes?: 2023-07-08 08:41:54

Level 60
Good idea. Maybe also increment as well? (only for realtime, increment for MD is unfair for obvious reasons)
1 v 1 auto games with 3 minutes?: 2023-07-08 09:13:53

Level 63
Pretty sure the autogames are replaced by QM and open games as a whole have a much lower player base.

You’re levelled up high enough to make your own games, it’s just Strategic 1v1 (multiplayer built-in/quickmatch template) using RT boot times.
1 v 1 auto games with 3 minutes?: 2023-07-09 06:27:11

Level 57
I suppose, but there is always the sneaking suspicion that such games could be tweaked in some obscure setting. I just thought an auto-game would appear more legitimate.
1 v 1 auto games with 3 minutes?: 2023-07-09 07:16:09

Roi Joleil
Level 60
people can read settings befor joining a game. That isnt some witch-craft
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