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Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-07 10:54:26

Level 62
Do auto-commit not work properly on multi-attack templates?

So I'm playing the championship game of the AWP Blitzreig Bork tournament, aiming to achieve a back-to-back tournament victory on the same AWP template. On this turn, I made my orders, but didn't press commit yet in case I come up with better ideas before the clock runs out. I planned to either press commit in the last minute, or let auto-commit does it thing if I end up being busy in real life at that time.

I ended up did get busy at that time. Auto-commit happened, but it only executed the first order of my attack. So now I have a big stack in front of my opponent's undefended territories. If you know anything about the template, you know that it means I'm dead loss right now, instead of being in a 50-50 position which would be the case if my orders went through properly.

I guess I learned the lesson to not trust auto-commit. Though I do want to know whether it's specifically a bug on multi-attack orders or just auto-commit randomly decided to screw me up in this particular moment after I used it smoothly for many times in the past.
Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-07 12:13:35

Level 62
Update: I have successfully reproduced the bug.

Read the chat of this game:
Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-07 13:09:46

Level 63
auto commit has issues and fizzer will blame it on you if you report it. he will say its not a server side issue and there is a warning in the wiki which he has promised to elaborate on.

edit: i got booted in a 2v2 ladder game even tho my orders were in the autocommit feature did not work i think it was because i was using the app not rly sure

Edited 7/7/2023 13:10:35
Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-07 13:46:14

Level 62
The most common reason for auto-commit to not work is because of syncing issue. The server didn't receive all the orders. And that's an issue of connection, not a server side issue. There's nothing Fizzer can do about it.

What I have encountered is not that though. As demonstrated in the practice game created for reproducing the bug, the server successfully received all the orders. The auto-commit executed the non-multiattack orders at the end that were input and placed after those skipped multiattack orders. It is a bug on the server side.
Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-07 13:54:31

Level 63
what u found was a bug what i was explaining is the auto commit feature is broken because the server has issues, if u can understand. my teammate saw the orders so?
Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-07 14:08:46

Level 62
I see. So you're saying that auto-commit has other server side issues.
Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-07 14:20:14

Level 63
I believe so, I can be wrong of course just what I experienced or how I perceive it. Connection issues are always weird tbf

Edit: probably wrong for me to say it’s server issue or whatnot but it clearly wasn’t a connection issue on my end I think it was an issue with the app but not sure

Edited 7/7/2023 14:30:13
Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-07 16:33:49

Level 62
Have you tried to reproduce the error like I did?
Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-07 18:49:30

Roi Joleil
Level 60
Can confirm the bug Exists.
Took like 20seconds to test.
The server receives the orders as it does auto-commit. Just only the 1st order of each territory.
Its like when auto-commit happens it thinks there is no Multi-Attack.

Edited 7/7/2023 18:49:50
Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-07 21:02:02

Level 63
no i dont want to try i just commit all my orders now. moral of the story is dont trust auto commit its broken i think
Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-07 21:39:25

Level 61
(edit: misunderstood, autocommit isn't autopilot)

Edited 7/7/2023 21:44:48
Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-07 21:46:16

Roi Joleil
Level 60
why are you even taking part of a discussion where the topic is a bug, when you cant even be arsed to test it for 20seconds anyhow, make some claims (without said testing) and then just say "meh ill just not trust it for anything"

Edited 7/7/2023 21:46:33
Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-08 01:49:01

Level 62
Fizzer replied:
I agree it's a bug with auto commit, and I will get it fixed in the next update.
Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-08 01:51:40

Level 60
yay! waiting to see 5.26 fixed multiattadk and autocommit bug
Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-08 10:54:03

Level 63
because i faced an issue with autocommit and the topic says "auto commit"? why would i try to reproduce this when i was frustrated teh first time :) *logic*
Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-08 12:13:15

Roi Joleil
Level 60
thats just a stupid reply. but whatev
Auto-commit and multi-attack: 2023-07-08 15:10:48

Level 63
Thanks for your dumb comment I’ll keep it under consideration. Maybe uservoice it
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