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Hospitals: 2023-06-28 15:16:25

Ricardio Brando
Level 60
Hi. Do statistics level max show the total armies hospitals save or something?
Hospitals: 2023-06-28 15:20:21

Level 62

What I usually do is find some unconquered but visible territory which is far away from hospitals, click on a neighboring territory, click on "Connections List", then click on the territory to see the total number of saved armies from hospitals.

If you have market or merc camp visibility, then it is much easier and you can click on that (far away) market or merc camp directly.

I absolutely agree that having that number somewhere shown would be much more convenient...
Hospitals: 2023-06-28 15:20:45

Level 60
No, just click on any visibile but not conquerable territory, it'll tell you

Edited 6/28/2023 15:21:45
Hospitals: 2023-06-28 15:24:09

Ricardio Brando
Level 60
Thanks for the answers.
Hospitals: 2023-06-28 17:29:24

Level 60
Do statistics level max show the total armies hospitals save?


Edited 6/28/2023 17:29:39
Hospitals: 2023-06-28 17:30:50

Level 62
"Saved", yes. "Will save", no.

Hospitals: 2023-06-28 17:33:14

Level 60
Hi. Do statistics level max show the total armies hospitals save or something?

That was his query. He didn't ask what will be saved.
Hospitals: 2023-06-28 18:20:20

Ricardio Brando
Level 60
Not the total armies saved by hospitals. But the total armies they save. Not have saved.
Hospitals: 2023-06-28 18:41:12

The Forbidden Koala 
Level 61
No, you can either check territories far from hospitals, or substract from hospitals in range. Usually it's half of armies saved from 4 tile range
Hospitals: 2023-06-28 19:05:07

Level 60
Hospitals: 2023-06-28 20:04:07

Unicorn 36-4
Level 22

New Q - how do I find those stats in the game?
Hospitals: 2023-06-28 20:31:45

Level 60
New Q - how do I find those stats in the game?

Click the Army Camp tab, scroll down to Hospitals.

The other way as mentioned above, shows how many armies hospitals save, plural, not how many a hospital saves, singular.

Edited 6/28/2023 20:42:19
Hospitals: 2023-06-28 20:49:15

Level 60
This is why I like various visibility advancements (recipe/smelter/crafter/camp/etc) because I can just click on a far away (visible) territory and it tells me the current base hospital savings without wondering if I'm within 4 territories of the nearest hospital (which would include that hospital's proximity bonus).

And yes, I find it rather annoying that you have to click a territory, then click connections list, then scroll to find the territory that you want to inspect, then click said territory, just to see what your hospital savings are! why can't there be a tally at the bottom of the hospital list or something? Can we make a tech advancement for it?

my 2 cents.

Edited 6/28/2023 20:50:06
Hospitals: 2023-06-29 01:09:50

Unicorn 36-4
Level 22
What about the detailed army stats?
Hospitals: 2023-06-29 06:28:03

Level 62
Statistics advancement lvl 1 (among others) show you the breakdown of your army earnings.
Statistics advancement lvl 2 (among others) adds the play and session times to that same window (both visible in Hangfire's first screenshot).
Hospitals: 2023-06-30 02:26:41

Unicorn 36-4
Level 22

Thanks. I wondered what that improvement was for.

I've only spent AP on Increased Army Camp (current value 410%), Copper Production (65%), Cache Money (85%) & Joint Strike (maxed @ 25%).
Hospitals: 2023-07-08 00:20:13

Unicorn 36-4
Level 22
I'm about to finish Europe Huge. One property left. Waiting on a dig to finish. Will lose two digs, Heinola and Sulkava because I'm picking Northern Norway as the next dig. :(

So far total armies earned is 4,381,300,000,000.

I don't know where the statistics are for caches/drafts/saved by hospitals. I suspect need the upgrades.

I created a graphic earlier today but no luck posting it. 'Members Only'

Hospitals: 2023-07-08 01:30:49

Unicorn 36-4
Level 22
Upgrades stats to LEvel 1.

Thanks everyone!

Edited 7/8/2023 01:30:58
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