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Warzone issues after minifying SVG file: 2023-05-17 10:16:57

Level 40
Hi everyone,
I want to update a map I realized, but before doing it I have to lower the SVG file size (it actually weights about 5,67 MB) and to do it without changing the map look, I used one of the many SVG minifiers available online, so I run my file into the minifier (being sure to uncheck the IDs clean up feature) and then download it. The file size is good (< 3 MB) and in Inkscape the map looks good, but when I upload it on Warzone for editing the result is terrible: all the territories are shifted from their place and the map is a complete mess. I tried several minifier settings but the result is always a mess. I noticed that the minifier feature that lowers the most the file size is "Convert path data", I don't know if that is the cause of the issue but I don't have how to test it because unchecking this feature the file is too big to be uploaded on Warzone.
Does anyone who's more expert than me know what is causing this issue with my map? How can I solve it? Do you have a good SVG minifier to suggest (I used devina.io tool)?
Thanks to anyone who will help
Warzone issues after minifying SVG file: 2023-05-23 06:07:56

Level 63
Heya, I hope you managed to find a solution on your own by now 😅

Most mapmakers dont check the forums all that often, so you're better off asking on the mapmaking discord:
Warzone issues after minifying SVG file: 2023-05-23 07:09:54

Level 40
Unfortunately I didn't find a way out, thanks for the invitation
Warzone issues after minifying SVG file: 2023-05-24 15:05:08

Level 62
Hi. Can you share the map link? So we can help better seeing the map.
Inkscape have a shortcut tool to reduce the line nodes in your art if you want.
Select all modes and click “Alt+L” or “Ctrl+Alt+L” (I don’t remember exactly which one of those two comands). Doing this will reduce significantly all the nodes and your file size will also reduce

Edited 5/24/2023 15:09:00
Warzone issues after minifying SVG file: 2023-05-24 15:06:56

Level 63
^^ note: make backup before using that, since it sometimes simplifies way too much
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