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Mod Idea: Mulligan: 2023-05-10 17:26:36

Level 61
In Magic the Gathering, you draw 7 cards at the start of a game.

If your opening hand is terrible and/or literally unplayable, you can "mulligan". Where you put all the cards back in your deck and then draw a new hand with 1 fewer card. And if you don't like that one you can go for 5, 4, 3 etc.

This alleviates incredibly bad starting luck while also giving a penalty to discourage use except where it's really necessary.

I'd love to have something similar for Warzone. I like Giant Maps. They work best with random spawns. But a significant fraction of games are decided based purely on good/bad spawns. This mod would make those less common and result in more enjoyable games.

I envision it working like this:
Once you've been distributed your starting territories, you have the option to mulligan. The cost can be configured by the host to either be a reduction in starting troops for each spawn, or (more drastically) fewer spawns. If you take the Mulligan, new spawns are chosen for you and your previous spawns are reset to whatever they ought to be as neutrals. You can configure either a full Mulligan, where it's all-or-nothing, or a partial Mulligan, where you choose which spawns you want to change and suffer the aforementioned costs for them.

As a separate question: Can this even be done? Or is changing spawns after the game has started not something that can be done?
Mod Idea: Mulligan: 2023-05-10 17:59:30

Level 62
It can be done, so to say that a mod can change the territories you have post picking stage. So to say that a mod can switch the territories of all players in any way imaginable. Just need to get the rules on it straight so it's meaningful and not OP/underpowered
Mod Idea: Mulligan: 2023-05-10 18:22:44

Level 60
Hmmm, very interesting.

-Big maps, yes. Decide minimum for what qualifies a big map. 1,000T?
-imo, 1 Mulligan, not multiple (maybe 3 tops)
-Commerce game, assign cost - limit starting Gold
-option to, for each Mulligan, reduce armies but same amount of spawns. Or, reduce spawns, same amount of armies
-option to customize spawn, as in you like 1 T but not another.
-here is an idea, for each individual re-spawn, you lose the ability to advance out of that territory.
-would be interesting with Gift Cards.

This has potential and is possible. You raised an eyebrow with this idea Zakatak.
Mod Idea: Mulligan: 2023-05-10 19:47:29

Level 60
Great idea! I agree with the fact that some big FFA games are decided by lucky / unlucky spawns.

There is one catch however. When a player plays a mulligan, it has to be processed during the turn advancing. This means that the mod either has to freeze the game for a turn (while re-distributing the players playing a mulligan) or the players who play a mulligan will get an disadvantage since they start expanding 1 turn later
Mod Idea: Mulligan: 2023-05-11 16:58:54

Level 61
There is one catch however. When a player plays a mulligan, it has to be processed during the turn advancing. This means that the mod either has to freeze the game for a turn (while re-distributing the players playing a mulligan) or the players who play a mulligan will get an disadvantage since they start expanding 1 turn later

Interesting. I can think of 2 solutions. Either the delayed expansion *is* the penalty. Or maybe the mod can disable all income and all moves for each round until all the mulligans are done?

Alternatively, it could just build giant neutral stacks surrounding each spawn until it's done. Which is less good, because it would let you see eg if someone has a spawn 2 territories away from your own.
Mod Idea: Mulligan: 2023-05-12 12:11:13

Level 60
all those options are possible. it's just which one do you want to use? (mulligan players getting a disadvantage is by far the easiest one to implement, the other two require some extra work)
Mod Idea: Mulligan: 2023-05-12 12:49:46

Level 61
I think it'd work best where everything is put on hold while you move people around and then you let the creator decide what penalties they want to configure.
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