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Odd behaviour of the bonus/wheel-videos: 2023-05-08 20:04:29

Level 56

since some weeks the videos, you have to watch for the bonus or the fortune-wheel have a problem: They don't start.
It feels completely frozen. The timer does not start counting backwards nor does something other happens. They only worked, when the app was closed and immediately restarted. As soon, as the Android device was in sleep modus, I had to restart the app.
In the beginning, it was not a big problem, because even when the counter was not running, the close "X" became active after announced time and the reward was given.
But now that has also changed, and you can wait forever. An exception are advertisements containing an link, to a website. As soon, as I click on that link, the timer starts running. On the video-only advertisements there is nothing, which could trigger the start.

Anyone else with those problems? How can I fix that? All available Android updates are installed.
Odd behaviour of the bonus/wheel-videos: 2023-05-10 19:55:35

Level 63
My ads are still working fine.

Lets hope the next app update fixes these problems for you 😅
Odd behaviour of the bonus/wheel-videos: 2023-05-10 20:00:20

Level 61
For me on iOS, the wheel has stopped appearing since about two weeks ago. The video bonus (the one that offers +20% for 4 hours) does appear at the expected frequency.
Odd behaviour of the bonus/wheel-videos: 2023-05-10 20:01:12

Level 63
For me on iOS, the wheel has stopped appearing since about two weeks ago.

You can manually trigger it from the app settings. (There you will also find a setting to turn popups for the wheel on and off.)
Odd behaviour of the bonus/wheel-videos: 2023-05-10 20:02:56

Level 61
Ah, it says: "Can spin wheel: After your next arena win". So... basically no more wheel for me, since I'm getting crushed in the arena every time I try :D
Odd behaviour of the bonus/wheel-videos: 2023-05-10 20:29:05

Level 63
Ah lol, yeah, you do need to win games to get the wheel.

For any other newbies that are using the idle-only app: consider downloading the normal app from https://warzone.com/mobile so you can play games every day and are not so depending on idle arenas.
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