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Roleplay Isn't Dead! [Match ad]: 2023-03-17 08:02:44

Level 55
Come check out Merchants & Marauders!


THIS IS NOT A DIPLO! This is a Moderated roleplay with a 'silk road' simulator and 3 Game Masters. Apply in the above linked Recruitment lobby to get into an instance now!
Roleplay Isn't Dead! [Match ad]: 2023-03-17 08:18:06

Level 65
How is a diplo not a roleplay?
Roleplay Isn't Dead! [Match ad]: 2023-03-17 08:20:50

Level 55
A diplo can be more or less roleplay-ey. Have you ever played the actual board game Diplomacy?

But also... this match is an RP, and NOT a Diplo.

In fact it's not even really a match of warzone.
Roleplay Isn't Dead! [Match ad]: 2023-03-17 08:59:05

Level 62
Guess all diplo is roleplay but not all roleplay is Diplo?
Roleplay Isn't Dead! [Match ad]: 2023-03-17 09:17:18

Level 55
Something like that.

I must confusify my earlier statement. Merchants and Marauders is a match of warzone (well not that specific link, thats just a lobby that will never launch, but there IS an actual 'match' at the end of the rabbit hole) but it plays nothing like classic Warzone; instead we use 1 territory in a bonus to have 'presence' with control and domination being majority/total control of a bonus.

We use presence control and domination to determine the simulation effect on the growth of cities, and allows for us to represent factions that might occupy the same area like both the guards and the merchants of a town sharing a bonus.
Roleplay Isn't Dead! [Match ad]: 2023-03-17 12:27:02

Level 65
Ok, I think I get it a bit, thanks
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