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Color rendering of 3Dmaps in Idle: bug or feature?: 2023-03-10 23:56:04

Level 60
I have beed trying to switch to 3D maps in idle lately, but one thing is bothering me. Dont know, whether it is a bug, or a feature. So before writing a bug report or a uservoice, would like to know others opinion.

I am using WZ classic app on a iPad, and it seems to me that when I switch to 3D maps, the color rendering seems to get messed up.

Look at the screenshots of the same views for comparison. The 3D versions seem to be of lower contrast, so it makes it harder for me to quickly idenify fogged and unfogged territories:

2D overview:


3D overview:


2D zoomed:


3D zoomed:


Is that only mine issue, and for others this is all Ok?
Or is it a feature? Or are there settings anywhere to make the fogged and unfogged territories to differ in color more?

Edited 3/11/2023 19:39:10
Color rendering of 3Dmaps in Idle: bug or feature?: 2023-03-11 00:50:50

Level 58
I'm playing on a newer Samsung smartphone, and the 3D map contrast looks the same for me as it does for you. I looked through all of the settings and don't see a way to modify the appearance beyond switching between 2D and 3D. I'm guessing that Fizzer thought there was enough of a difference that it wasn't a concern. I wish I could be of more help, but that's about all I've got.
Color rendering of 3Dmaps in Idle: bug or feature?: 2023-03-17 09:21:32

Level 63
Yeah that does look weird.

Its almost as if the whole fog layer has been moved closer to the camera and lightsource in the 3D world.
Color rendering of 3Dmaps in Idle: bug or feature?: 2023-03-17 09:34:21

Level 64

Warzone Creator
3d maps have an actual light source in the map, so colors can look different depending on the angle between you and the light due to reflectivity.
Color rendering of 3Dmaps in Idle: bug or feature?: 2023-03-17 10:30:04

Level 63
Ah yeah, that does make a lot of sense
Color rendering of 3Dmaps in Idle: bug or feature?: 2023-03-17 19:50:10

Level 60
Thanks for explaining what is happening.

I tried to moving camera on the current level, where I am (Africa). Unfortunately for me, I cant see any difference from moving the camera.
Anyway if anyone else is bothered with this issues as much as I do, and makes a uservoice to change it or to allow more options, you have my votes.
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