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Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-01 16:43:48

Level 55
Clan is open for new players for a short while. If you are an "active, but casual idler" looking for some great CW idle rewards, join us now.

Edited 3/1/2023 16:52:52
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-01 16:44:50

Level 55
Good News! with your first CW win you will immediately earn some fine idle rewards.
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-01 16:45:47

Level 55
Good News! We pick low hanging fruits. 🍒🍓🍎🍊🍒
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-01 16:47:04

Level 55
Good News! Maximize rewards and fun. Minimize effort. Play smarter - we know how.
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-01 16:48:59

Level 62
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-01 16:54:31

Level 55
Good News! No pressure around here. No fiercely competitive ambition. Pretty much the opposite of clans like M'H 😀
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-01 16:54:58

Level 61
Oh help, another recruiting thread
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-01 16:55:49

Level 55
Good News! Don't fret, just take what you can get! 😎
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-01 16:56:03

Level 62
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-01 16:57:20

Level 62
Actually, I think you are trying the same tactics as NONO and his clan FTW! by farming free wins, no?
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-01 17:17:36

Level 61
There are so many clans recruiting...
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-01 17:22:02

Level 56
only 10
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-02 12:51:58

Level 33
Not sure why you posted this in the Idle forum since you just rejected me (long time single player) because I'm not active enough in MP. If you want active WZ MP players, go look for them there. But it seems odd to go recruiting in the Idle forums and then reject Idle players.
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-02 12:55:56

Level 55
Hi Purdy, sorry if i confused you. i posted in idle section, bc good news clan offers chance for idle rewards via clan wars. the clan would not be very interesting to pur classic/stretegic/diplo players. nor to pure idle players. hope it is a bit clearer now. again, sorry for kicking you without much conversation.
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-02 12:58:10

Level 60
Okay, I suspect purdy might be trolling. It's obvious this is for Idle, @goodnews made it clear already. And also why would anyone play pure classic/pure idle lol missing out
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-02 13:19:58

Level 55
we also do not recruit alt accounts. just to be clear. thx for your understanding.
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-02 13:21:32

Level 33
I don't understand why you think I am trolling. I have been a long time WZ single player, who switched mostly to Idle when it came out. I have dipped my toes into MP from time to time and have had a negative experience each time. I tried joining the good news clan because I have been aware of the clan awards for some time and good news' initial post gave me the impression that they were more receptive than the more established clans.

I get that this is an unpopular opinion, but WZ has a problem with onboarding anybody who isn't an experienced gamer. The fact that I'm being accused of trolling is indicative of this. Is it really so hard to believe that I am exactly as a stated above? Or have I somehow been playing a long con of joining WarLight (as it was known back then) 12 years ago, even creating a WZ map, as part of some trolling effort?

Also, I'm not exactly sure what I am trolling about. The extent of my 'trolling' is to wonder why good news posted in an Idle forum when they are looking for active WZ players. Good news' response to my post was entirely reasonable and if I had known that in advance, I wouldn't have tried to apply. But again, this must be part of my epic trolling, right?

Clearly, the WZ MP community isn't for me. And to be frank, I'm starting to wonder about WZI.
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-02 13:22:07

Level 17
Bad clan, 0/5 stars

i was kicked instantly for no reason!

i don't recommend this clan

Edited 3/2/2023 13:23:53
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-02 13:25:55

Level 55
jim/meow - i explained in cc. we are not recruiting alt accounts.
Good News! We are recruiting!: 2023-03-02 13:27:19

Level 62
mmiap doesn't have alts, just 3 mains.
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