Bug in daily bonus: 2023-02-08 14:52:04 |
Level 56
I just found a bug in the daily bonus. I received just now an market raid power and kept that window with "Apply now" open, to collect the needed recipes for my most fertile market. I collected the missing three recipes, to get the full raid. But when I hit after that "Apply now", I received for those three materials just one item per kind. Just like it would happen, when clicking immediately the button. Its inconsistent to other daily powers, because with SAC and SM its honored, if you update the targets first, before supercharging.
Bug in daily bonus: 2023-02-08 15:37:29 |
Level 60
XX time is 1d(10d with Superpower).
Bug in daily bonus: 2023-02-11 11:11:54 |
Level 56
Does anybody know more about this calculation? Is it only based on ore income and current smelting speed or is it calculated by active smelters?
Even if it is calculated only by ore income and theoretical smelting speed, it looks like, that you should activate SM artifact (if you have) and set the mine with the biggest income of that ore to double speed (if you have won this from hardened level) before using this power.
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