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Petition to make a change to the settings: 2023-01-15 18:39:32

Level 62
What do people think about changing the setting to all surrenders or boots turning into AIs? Multiple games have been ruined in recent weeks by players abandoning their team in the middle of a game.
Petition to make a change to the settings: 2023-01-15 19:05:39

Level 65
That setting exists and can be selected :)
Petition to make a change to the settings: 2023-01-15 19:12:05

Level 62
I understand. I’m saying it shouldn’t be an option. All surrenders or bots should turn into bots. To me, this makes much more sense.
Petition to make a change to the settings: 2023-01-15 19:19:44

Level 63
For things like tournaments, this should still be available. If a player boots in a tournament, you dont want the AI to drag the game out longer and potentially even make the team win, allowing the player to boot next game again.

The best boot settings are depending on the template (diplo/FFA/team games/1v1 all need different boot settings), as well as where its used (tournament/single game/ladder game/QM).

The same applies to for example the setting to respect vacations.

Edited 1/15/2023 19:20:24
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