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Display Clan War Match Rating in Game Settings: 2023-01-14 23:46:56

Doctor K 
Level 61
The Clan War Rating [CWR] is not available during the ClanWar game. Would like to see this displayed in the Game Settings and Game Summary tabs, similar to QuickMatch

This forum will serve as a reference to a user voice, asking the creator to include the CWR information in both the Game Settings Tab as well as the Game Summary tab.

Here are Quickmatch, examples: The Game Settings tab:

Also, in the Game Summary tab, the change in your QM rating is also displayed:

The inclusion of CWR information in these places will give important information to the game's participants.

Edited 1/14/2023 23:59:33
Display Clan War Match Rating in Game Settings: 2023-01-14 23:49:35

Doctor K 
Level 61
Display Clan War Match Rating in Game Settings: 2023-01-15 06:01:19

Level 60
Great proposal. (Also found out, that I have already allocated some of my votes to other proposals of yours)

To further promote this proposal, could you please expand, what would be the practical benefits of this information made directly available to the game's participants.
Display Clan War Match Rating in Game Settings: 2023-01-15 09:20:32

Level 62
Would also be good to see the clan membership of each player at the time the game was played

Looking bad at older games navigated to by anything other than the CW Seasons pages, it can be confusing to see a CW game of player A vs B who are now in the same clan now but weren't in previous seasons
Display Clan War Match Rating in Game Settings: 2023-01-15 09:26:11

Level 60
Looking bad at older games navigated to by anything other than the CW Seasons pages, it can be confusing to see a CW game of player A vs B who are now in the same clan now but weren't in previous seasons

This info is displayed in the game settings Message from host section:
This game was created by the Clan War system using the template "Small Earth 1v1 Auto Dist" (1070736).

Contender: Jefferspin from [Blitz]
Contender: krinid from Two Steps From Hell
It does not reflect name changes though.

Edited 1/15/2023 09:28:40
Display Clan War Match Rating in Game Settings: 2023-01-15 20:07:48

Doctor K 
Level 61
Great proposal. (Also found out, that I have already allocated some of my votes to other proposals of yours)

Thank you kindly, let us make the world a better place.

To further promote this proposal, could you please expand, what would be the practical benefits of this information made directly available to the game's participants.

Yes, of course. Others may have a different view, but I see the practical benefits as follows:
1) To understand and see immediately, and retain for posterity, how the game outcome affects the Clan War Rating. This information is not currently available.
2) To conveniently have as a record the contender CWR ratings at the time of the match. This, too, is not available after the match.
3) In general, to raise awareness as to how the CWR rating affects the matching and the game. Knowledge is Power. On the other hand, some people may want to keep this information hidden.

On the downside, there is some coding involved. Although at least some of the code from the Quickmatch may be re-used, I don't know the effort involved.

Others feel free to add your views. thanks and have a good day.

Edited 1/15/2023 20:33:56
Display Clan War Match Rating in Game Settings: 2023-01-15 21:37:41

Level 60
Vote +1.
Display Clan War Match Rating in Game Settings: 2023-01-15 21:46:30

Level 62
This info is displayed in the game settings Message from host section:
This game was created by the Clan War system using the template "Small Earth 1v1 Auto Dist" (1070736).

Contender: Jefferspin from [Blitz]
Contender: krinid from Two Steps From Hell
It does not reflect name changes though.

Well damn, consider me hornswoggled, thanks for pointing this out
Display Clan War Match Rating in Game Settings: 2023-01-18 21:17:36

Doctor K 
Level 61
Display Clan War Match Rating in Game Settings: 2023-01-20 12:23:56

Level 63
The clan war rating is meaningless unless the rating system itself is fixed (should be per template, per player instead of entire clan across all templates) https://warlight.uservoice.com/forums/77051-warzone-features/suggestions/45930352-matchmake-clan-wars-based-on-individual-ratings.
Display Clan War Match Rating in Game Settings: 2023-01-20 18:28:19

Doctor K 
Level 61

The clan war rating is meaningless unless the rating system itself is fixed (should be per template, per player instead of entire clan across all templates)

I agree the matching system would be improved if Fizzer used the QuickMatch rating for each player, rather than a team rating.
However, Fizzer chose not to do that, and he is not open to that idea. I wrote to him and noted, for example, that newbies to M'Hunters have to play with the Clan CWR and must compete with Much Higher Skilled Players.
His response:

This is by design. Clan Wars is a team competition. Imagine if a soccer/football team recruits a rookie onto their team, then that team makes it to the world cup. Rookies would have to compete against highly skilled players in that game, and could be discouraged if they're outmatched. That's just the nature of joining a team that's above your skill level.

Until Fizzer is open to the idea of matches in CW based on individual skill, the least we can do is to raise awareness of the CWR by getting info included where it counts: in the record of the match.

Edited 1/20/2023 18:33:38
Display Clan War Match Rating in Game Settings: 2023-01-20 18:32:01

Doctor K 
Level 61
DanWL references a User Voice: https://warlight.uservoice.com/forums/77051-warzone-features/suggestions/45930352-matchmake-clan-wars-based-on-individual-ratings.

Unfortunately, That particular UserVoice is authored by someone that runs around being openly hostile to Fizzer saying: "the activision gofundme is a con". Follow this link to see https://discord.com/channels/204926708795572226/426860876478545951/1021812182872248402

He has ensured that Fizzer will never pay attention to his user-voice inputs. This is Fizzer's kingdom, and one does not poke the King in the eye without repercussions.

Edited 2/1/2023 05:22:21
Display Clan War Match Rating in Game Settings: 2023-02-01 05:19:07

Doctor K 
Level 61
And... it's done. This is from today's update:

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