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[Feature request] Menu on the side, not bottom: 2023-01-10 16:37:25

Level 60
Opening the camp, mines, resources, smelter... tabs on the side is better than the bottom, because then the height of the menu can be much larger, allowing more rows of stuff to be displayed at the same time!
That's especially useful for checking smelters and crafters!

Also mentioning a previous request: https://www.warzone.com/Forum/656345-feature-request-make-drag-cursor
Make a drag-only cursor!!!
[Feature request] Menu on the side, not bottom: 2023-01-10 16:40:31

Level 63
You'd be better asking in an AMA, not likely to get a response here or on UserVoice


Similar questions have been asked on AMA, and the answer is: it's optimized for mobile which is portrait not landscape, and putting the menus on the side would be awkward for mobile, so don't see this change happening
[Feature request] Menu on the side, not bottom: 2023-01-10 16:44:21

Level 60
it's easy to different settings for mobile and PC, right?
[Feature request] Menu on the side, not bottom: 2023-01-10 16:55:09

Level 60
it's easy to different settings for mobile and PC, right?
Yea, it is easy, but with limited development resource (this is really a indie game, maintained by single developer), choices must be done.

It is like, one has to choose between:
- confirmation before buying artifacts to prevent accidental coin spending
- unticking the checkbox "Invite me to multiplayer games" by default to prevent booting from random unwanted games
- full emoticon support in mobile
- CW revamp
Or none of the above.
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