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Feature request for Idle: 2023-01-04 13:56:27

Level 55
It would be useful to be able to sort the army camps by number of armies given. This varies by map and two camps with the same income take different amounts to upgrade. This would help choose the better value upgrades when you have a large list to look through.
Feature request for Idle: 2023-01-04 13:57:21

Level 60
That won't be too helpful, since most people actually caring about Idle use Hosp (early) or Market (late) strats.
Army camps aren't *that* useful.

While it would be helpful, some other improvements would be much more worth the effort, for example being able to load a save that you forgot to sync on the same device, instead of it going back (dont mind me just suffering from the fact that I forgot to sync mobile with browser)

Edited 1/4/2023 13:59:02
Feature request for Idle: 2023-01-04 14:44:29

Level 63
Use http://warlight.uservoice.com/ for feature requests.
Feature request for Idle: 2023-01-04 14:54:35

Level 55
Thanks. I was looking for some kind of feature request place but couldn't find anything.
Feature request for Idle: 2023-01-04 14:58:16

Level 62
I think they are in order of base armies/sec, aren't they?

But since the armies provided changes over time as you upgrade them/Supercharge them, they might get out of order; the order changing dynamically as these values changes could get confusing when you're looking at them

Not sure if it's consistent or not but I used to have to compare which camps to invest money in in order to get the best SAC usage; the early camps are cheap to upgrade but don't get to high army production counts fast enough, the later ones start high but so do the upgrades; I find sometimes it's better (higher final army/sec rate for some amount of available/usable money) to upgrade the early camps, sometimes the later camps, sometimes the middle camps, and sometimes it changes depending on whether you at beginning or mid-level

Suffice to say, there's not likely any single order that will make sense for all purposes; I personally would probably like to order them by "upgrade efficiency" (# of armies/sec increase by money paid) to avoid having to do the approximations myself
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