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Idle: 2022-12-30 01:26:07

I am Groot 
Level 60
Are you allowed to have multiple artifacts that are the same in the top artifact bar used for idle map play and battle arena?

I currently can have a total of 4 artifacts. If I choose, can I have 1,2,3, or 4 of the same artifact?

In other words, can I have 1,2,3, or 4 Supercharge Army Camp artifacts at the same time?

I realize having all 4 SAC artifacts is not a good strategy, just using that as an example.

One other question: Is 4 the maximum number of artifacts you can achieve?

Edited 12/30/2022 01:27:07
Idle: 2022-12-30 01:28:17

Level 62
no, no equipping duplicates, you can try and it will show message saying no, stop it noob.

yes, 4 is the max number of artifact slots.
Idle: 2022-12-30 01:35:46

Level 58
I have to wonder though, how did you get thru all the maps with ever having duplicate artifacts to test this yourself?

Also if you idle that much, why not join a clan? Clans are awesome for idlers.
Any of the top 10 clans (from the clan list) would be a big help to you (though the top few might be a little harder to get into).

Idle: 2022-12-30 11:49:28

I am Groot 
Level 60
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