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My userscripts: 2022-12-21 12:25:29

Level 63
Due to the profile link format change, pretty much all my userscripts are broken. They break because everything is stored by player id. The way to fix it would be to convert a player tag to a player id. This is unfortunately not possible because the profile page isn’t available as an API.
Storing by player tag is not reliable because they aren’t unique and can refer to the wrong player.
In a few mins I’ll prevent all my userscripts from being able to execute correctly (and break all features). The next update to mostly all my userscripts will be to clear all storage data.

If any features can survive without access to player ids or without requesting urls that aren’t included in the official API, they will be merged into one script.
My userscripts: 2022-12-21 13:39:22

Level 63
The final userscript will contain the following features

hide posts by playerid
hide threads by playerid (requires the first page of threads to be opened by you)
hide threads by thread subject
hide threads by thread category
showing mail participants (requires mails to be opened by you)

allow friends list to be copied (only from manage friends list)
allow blocklist to be copied (only from manage blocklist)

forward player invites based on boot, last active and level (requires profile pages to be opened by you)

more in-game hotkeys https://www.warzone.com/Forum/663772-keyboard-shortcut-attacking-minimum
ctrl+click on player or team name in a game shows territories controlled

Edited 1/5/2023 17:05:04
My userscripts: 2023-01-01 14:01:50

Level 63
The profile link format has changed again (to https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=9522268564&u=DanWL_1), which allows more features to come back. I've edited the above post to reflect this.
My userscripts: 2023-01-01 21:19:24

Level 64
🫡 Happy New Year, Dan!
My userscripts: 2023-01-05 17:11:23

Level 63
Happy new year!

Just a little progress update... 7.5/(10+1+1) complete (+1 for making a menu, +1 for testing everything). And its taken a lot less code than before. Reached my 1000th line of code earlier today.
I should say this script doesn't read any settings from my previous userscripts.
- downvoted post by Pulsey
- downvoted post by Pulsey
My userscripts: 2023-01-25 00:02:05

Level 63
Forwarding tournament invites and hotkeys not implemented but everything else in my list is.
Here's a stable version https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/458808-dan-s-userscript.
If you want to change or view settings that aren't accessible under [your name] > Dan's Userscript, press F12 > Console and enter DansUserscript into the console.

Edited 1/25/2023 00:05:38
My userscripts: 2023-01-25 01:58:18

Level 63
If you'd like to add your WZ account blocklist to the script's blocklist while there is no real menu to do that
1) Go to https://www.warzone.com/ManageBlockList
2) Press F12
3) Click Console
4) Type

If you only want you blocklist to be that of your WZ account replace 4) with
var settings = DansUserscript.settings.get();
for (var hk in settings.hotkeys) {
	DansUserscript.settings.hotkeys['set' + hk[0].toUppercase() + hk.substring(1, hk.length)](settings.hotkeys[hk]);

Edited 1/25/2023 03:28:26
My userscripts: 2023-01-28 15:16:23

Level 64
Thank You, Dan!
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