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Interesting observations after completing a map: 2022-12-11 17:21:50

Level 29
Awhile ago I mentioned about staying in a map after finishing it to complete the digs. Even if you exit the game (without clicking the red arrow at the upper left), you return to the map when restarting the ap.

Today I remained in a map after finishing it (2 days ago) because I was waiting for Army Camp and Bonus Money to finish upgrading from rare to epic. I came back 27 minutes too early but noticed I had an unused time warp so I applied it and, lo and behold, the upgrades finished.

So it seems you can do anything in a map after completing it.

Note: I finished the map very quickly to get the 30% metal production award but stuck around for a few days to do the attribute updates and complete all but 1 of the digs (which I started before exiting).
Interesting observations after completing a map: 2023-01-04 15:38:50

Level 65
So did you have to leave the window open to be able to come back to the map? Or just not start another one?
Interesting observations after completing a map: 2023-01-17 19:14:37

Level 29
You can close the application as many times as you like as long as you stay on the map and don't hit the red back-arrow at the upper left to return to the map menu. Also, you can't answer messages, either (and thus my delay in answering you.)

I did discover you can open the game on a different platform (tablet) and see the map menu, but don't start a new map or, when you come back to the first tablet, the game will synchronize and your time in the finished map is over.

Finally, I usually find a slip level power on a map. I have 5 so I generally don't use the new one, since I'm just unlocking the next map in sequence which will be unlocked when I complete the map. However, if you use the skip level power AFTER you complete the map, the next level has been unlocked (by the victory) and the one after that is unlocked (by the power), too. And I still have 5 (by claiming the unused power before exiting the map.)
Interesting observations after completing a map: 2023-01-18 18:18:56

Level 63
is this in the idle-only app or also in the normal app?

cause whenever i open idle after having the (normal) app closed, it puts me at the main menu and kicks me out of the level if its 100% completed
Interesting observations after completing a map: 2023-01-18 18:31:36

Level 29
JK, this is in the normal ap running on my Amazon Fire tablet. Perhaps this only works on the Amazon version.
Interesting observations after completing a map: 2023-01-23 14:44:26

Level 65
Quick, delete the thread before Fizzer finds and fixes the glitch!
Interesting observations after completing a map: 2023-01-23 17:38:18

Level 29
No, I already have most of the 30% metal time bonuses. That is the only reason for completing the maps quickly (after I've decided to emphasize digs over advancement points). Once they are complete, I can just hold off on conquering the last territory until all but the last dig is done. Why emphasize digs - I really want to raise my triple strike from epic to legendary. Fizzer can fix this whenever he wants. Won't affect me because updates on Amazon are manually applied.
Interesting observations after completing a map: 2023-01-23 17:47:20

Level 61
You can even do idle battles. It will take you back to the main screen but you can re-enter the map.
Interesting observations after completing a map: 2023-01-23 17:54:01

Level 29
I haven't spent much AP on auto things yet so Idle battles are off the table right now. I'm more focused on speeding up smelters and crafters at the moment. Increasing armies is easy. Increasing income is always a challenge.
Interesting observations after completing a map: 2023-01-23 18:10:53

Level 29
I forgot to mention one BIG reason for staying in a map after its complete. By spending 3 days hanging around and digging, I can upgrade my artifacts without sacrificing progress on the next map.

Edited 1/23/2023 18:12:44
Interesting observations after completing a map: 2023-02-02 13:52:28

Level 57
@Mark: Its a usual tactic, I like for example Hardened Rise and Fall of the Roman Empire, as that contains enought good dig sites with uncommon 89%, 88%, 85%, 83%, 81%, which makes that worth for this purpose.
However: I always let one space unoccupied, just to be sure.
Staying in an completed game is possible, however there are some risks:
- Playing from browser you lose your game, when the browser crashes or you lose your browsers cache.
- Playing from an app: I lost open finished games after system crashes, and when I unfortunately hit the back button by accident

After you won your 30% time based bonus, there is (almost) no need, to stay in an unfinished game. The only reason I see is, that if you can shorten the dig-time (phase 4) with the AP from the win. In this situation it might be worth to take the risk, as the next dig will finish faster. After you maxed this advancement, i see currently no other reason.
Interesting observations after completing a map: 2023-02-12 11:57:35

Level 29
Red, I agree with most of what you wrote. I will stop this once I gained all the 30% ore bonuses. However, I only play the game on one Fire tablet running the ap, and not in a browser. In fact, I just shut off the tablet, restarted it and launched the game. It out me back in Orbis, which I finished almost 2 weeks ago but stayed in the map to finish all but one of the digs. While spending the time, I continuously used my time warp artifact to speed up the digs, saving about half a day (it is Rare). I'm now using the market strategy (Orbis took me only 2 days, 9 hours) so money is no object any more. I am planning on upgrading triple strike to legendary and time warp to epic before tackling U.S. again.
Interesting observations after completing a map: 2023-02-21 19:14:05

Level 62
Another sad observation when staying on a map.

Conquering the last territory of a map resets the clan request counter. This normally means that when you start a new map, you can immediately place a fresh clan request without having to wait. Yay!

However, if you stay on the map after you conquered the last territory, do not do a clan request for that map. Because, even if you close the map afterwards and start a new map, the counter does NOT reset. Sadly experienced by myself :::sad smiley:::
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