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Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-17 22:04:49

Sky Commander Starscream
Level 57
I'm just curious, and have time to kill irl, so I thought about this a little bit and wanted to know what you think.

On the MTL elo system, in measurements of 100 (1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, etc.) what would you describe the players who consistently rate above that level as?

These won't be the best descriptions as I'm still relatively new at this game (2.5 years), but mine (according to who I've seen be rated on the MTL) would look something like this:

2200: Undisputed top 3-5 player on the entire site. Can be in the conversation as the best player

2100: Almost peerless, would be the best player in all but a few clans.

2000: Elite and Extremely Good by basically any definition. Can beat anyone, even when their opponent is trying.

1900: Great players who need to be respected every time when played.

1800: Really good players who can hang with some of the best players when playing at their best

1700: good players who can play well

1600: above average

1500: average

1400: below average

1300: King Ghidorah's third head

1200: Resemble Patrick Star/Peter Griffin among highly defined and buff anime characters.

1100 and below: Either by intention or...................

Edited 11/17/2022 23:04:16
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-17 23:41:41

Level 59
Is this MW-Elo (which includes activity bonus) or Elo? I think the two have to be interpreted differently because near the top the activity bonus can move people up a few ranks above or below their real skill. With MW-Elo, 1500 is well below average.
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 00:21:36

Sky Commander Starscream
Level 57
you've got a point. Hmmm probably assume that everyone here has an activity bonus of 80, because sustaining play above 2200 with an activity bonus of like 1 would be doable for almost no one. (Like f.e. Buns and Rufus are were both sustaining play above 2200 last few couple weeks with activity bonuses of 80 I think)
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 00:24:27

Level 63
Need more players in this CLOT to give higher accuracy of what ratings mean in the CLOT. Is MTL != MDL?
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 00:29:00

Sky Commander Starscream
Level 57
I think mtl = mdl. The url includes md-ladder, so multi-day ladder. So I think they're the same thing. I've never heard someone in Python to tell me to join a ladder different than the mtl, and the only other ladders I can think of are all listed under Community > ladders

Edited 11/18/2022 00:32:38
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 00:48:36

Level 63
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 00:48:58

Level 59
yes, it renamed but kept the same URL
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 03:25:10

Level 65
What does "consistently" mean in this context? If the requirement is to always withhold a certain rating, then the category 2200+ doesn't exist because everyone drops below that every now and then. Rufus and Buns come the closest, but even they rate below 2200 on a pretty regular basis.
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 03:28:32

Level 65
I had a suggestion regarding this topic some time ago, Voltairscream. My idea was to enhance MTL activity and motivation by assigning mastery titles based on peak ratings, based on the following thresholds:

2100 - Grandmaster (GM)
2000 - International Master (IM)
1900 - National Master (NM)
1800 - Candidate Master (CM)

If you want to check, Python players have these titles before their player titles on the clan page. Someone suggested to put something like Super Grandmaster for 2200; I just thought it would be too small of a group for an own formal title.
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 03:29:15

Sky Commander Starscream
Level 57
@ alexclusive, I think consistently for me means you can maintain a rating above that level for 10 games, or like a month or whatever. Just not some crazy long measurement. Just long enough where getting above that level isn't just a product of luck of specific players you've played (or happened to not play) consecutively

Edited 11/18/2022 03:35:06
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 03:32:04

Sky Commander Starscream
Level 57
That's a good Idea Alexclusive! I'm not sure how the competitive it was like say 4-5 years ago on the MTL, so could someone that got a peak rating that high 4-5 years ago still be worthy of that same title today? I mean, I've heard that some great players have retired and some new ones (Like MoriOri) have come since then.

But yeah I like that idea.
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 03:37:31

Level 65
This is not a problem because getting rating X was harder in the past than it is today, MTL has inflated a little bit due to inactive players who are still in the MTL but never join any games and need to be removed manually. They feed the system with points.
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 03:40:50

Sky Commander Starscream
Level 57
Ah I see! Makes sense
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 03:49:28

Level 65
Following my mastery titles scheme, the following number of players would be holding the following titles as of today:

GM - 15 players
IM - 25 players
NM - 38 players
CM - 51 players

(Always subtracting the ones eligible for a higher title, so 40 players in total qualify for IM, but 15 of them also qualify for GM so they are not included in the IM number)
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 04:08:38

Level 65
Several ways of introducing this are imaginable. From good to bad:

1) Fizzer puts the titles in bold letters in front of the player names displayed everywhere

2) Beren puts the titles in front of the player names on the MTL website

3) Title holders are announced in the forum thread and become eligible to change their ingame name to title + name. But as everyone can change their ingame name to whatever they want, this option is probably not worth it.
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 05:37:27

Sky Commander Starscream
Level 57
That's a good Idea! Hehe that would be nice to have a title next to a name of mine. (it'd be a little bit before I get to "master candidate" by your metrics). I think that that would help it be more popular, and discourage one-template wonders from thinking that they're on the same level as those who are really good at many templates
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 05:41:37

Sky Commander Starscream
Level 57
Would you like to introduce SGM (Super Grand Master) for those who get above 2200? As a title before those who reach above it? In that case, only 5 would have earned it so far: Rufus, Buns157, BBJ/Al, MoriOri, and Tornado
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 05:50:40

Level 65
I think it makes more sense to handle SGM just like in chess, more like calling people that rather than an official title. For my subjective liking, as I mentioned above, this group is too small to constitute an own title; even 15 GMs is on the very low end. Dividing this into 5 SGMs and 10 GMs seems strange. Another aspect is that SGM doesn't sound professional/serious to me.
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 05:53:22

Level 65
Otherwise you could as well introduce Ultra Super Grandmaster USGM for Rufus who passed 2300 and maybe in some years Monster Ultra Super Grandmaster MUSGM for someone who hits 2400... do you see where I am coming from? I think having "Grand" as the superlative like in chess is the highest that has a decent sound and doesn't sound more like an energy drink.
Mtl rating descriptions for players: 2022-11-18 05:59:12

Sky Commander Starscream
Level 57
Yeah that makes sense to me. Besides, if every single great player on this site was playing at the same time, I don't think anyone is heads and shoulders above the field to make 2300. Most likely everyone would regress to the mean, and certainly wouldn't rise in elo. I imagine that for everyone there's someone else who has at least 99% of their skill level.

In order to make 2400, let alone 2500, someone with Rufus' or Buns' or BBJ's caliber would just have to play above average players disguised as 1900 or something like that all the time. At that point, if someone did reach 2400, that might call into question if the opponents they played actually were the elite players on this site, kinda like how some peoples' runs at the 1v1 ladder are called into question (Johnny Silverhand and Phobos for example, the most entertaining and hilarious thread I've read on the forum ever)

Although if there was still a group of 5, that's big enough to me to like maybe put a star or something next to their name. If not then probably 10. Not a silly superlative, but like a symbol, to show that what they did was beyond what others sharing their title did. I say this because, unless substantially more people quit the MTL, I don't think that there'll be a time where there gets to be another large group of people big enough to pass the 2300 threshold to merit their own distinction, but this is all just for fun. I think that you're right about leaving it at 2100, because that's not so ridiculously high that enough people can achieve that and other people people wouldn't so much question the circumstances of you passing that number, if you know what I mean. (not to say that those crossing 2200 didn't earn it, I'm sure they did! But you know what I mean. It's like if someone passes 2500 on the 1v1 ladder, it's like "WHAT??")

Edited 11/18/2022 06:11:09
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