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Sanctions, music and fullscreen?: 2022-10-15 01:59:57

Level 21
I tend to only play Warzone/Warlight once or twice a year or so, and it seems like every time I come back to the game something has changed.

The first change I noticed was to sanctions: it seems like they're actually better. As I recall, the last time I showed up and played a game against AI's, all of them used all their sanctions against me every turn. Now in the game I'm in it seems a lot more random, which I feel is an improvement--so kudos for that!

But now it seems there's no music in the game, and I can no longer make the game fullscreen. So what happened with that? Is there a way to turn them back on?
Sanctions, music and fullscreen?: 2022-10-15 17:21:45

Level 63
Music is there.

If you’re using a browser open a game then somewhere in the site drop down menu there should be a button called App Settings > Music.

If you’re using mobile or the standalone app click the person icon in the top right > Settings > Music.

I think the best work around for full screen is pressing the F11 key. Full screen was only there in the flash version of the game. It never got reimplemented in unity/html + js (the current version of the game)

Edited 10/15/2022 17:25:23
Sanctions, music and fullscreen?: 2022-10-15 17:23:45

Level 63
If you’re using a browser open a game then somewhere in the site drop down menu there should be a button called App Settings > Music.

I dont know if you're on a browser, but if you are: note that this only works when you have a game open (or idle), and that this button doesnt exist on the other pages like forums and your game dashboard.
Sanctions, music and fullscreen?: 2022-10-16 04:04:05

Level 21
Thank you for F11, that definitely helps!

But for music, I went to App Settings, and while it does have a sliding bar for "Sound," I don't see anything for music . . .
Sanctions, music and fullscreen?: 2022-10-16 16:05:20

Level 63
Oh right, my bad, didnt read it properly 😅

The site has no music since it abandoned Flash.
The music used to be available on https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NULOQn2FaGM, but sadly that video is now private...
Sanctions, music and fullscreen?: 2022-10-16 21:55:37

Level 63
^ Do you remember the song’s name?
Sanctions, music and fullscreen?: 2022-10-18 02:32:01

Level 21
I found a few videos of the theme on Youtube--here's one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IM-G2Rxyzo&t=52s
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