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Can’t sign into Uservoice: 2022-10-10 18:09:09

Level 63
I’ve tried logging into my Uservoice account but it says the email or password is incorrect (they are correct though).
The reset password link gives the magic link but Uservoice don’t seem to detect that I have logged in.
Trying to sign in with google doesn’t work either.

Is this just me?
Can’t sign into Uservoice: 2022-10-10 18:34:41

Level 63
its working for me
Can’t sign into Uservoice: 2022-10-10 18:35:29

Level 63
I’m using mobile Safari, what did you use?
Can’t sign into Uservoice: 2022-10-10 18:35:51

Level 63
desktop Chrome
Can’t sign into Uservoice: 2022-10-10 18:55:20

Level 63
I’ve tried mobile Firefox as well using a different email address and that doesn’t work either.

Can only use mobile browsers rn, I’m not installing chrome specially

Edited 10/10/2022 18:55:54
Can’t sign into Uservoice: 2022-10-15 09:57:19

Johnny Silverhand 
Level 58
Fizzer told uservoice he doesn't want to hear your voice.
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