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Progress back to yesterday’s state: 2022-10-04 16:58:48

Level 40
Hi folks!

I was in the middle of Far Land, and when I opened it again (a couple of min ago), the level started with yesterday’s state, but I connected twice since! and when I opened the game an hour ago, everything was fine.
Is it happening for someone else as well?

Thank you !
Progress back to yesterday’s state: 2022-10-08 15:40:23

Level 63
Sorry to hear about that.

What probably happened is that something wasn't properly saved when you closed the level.

The next time you opened the level, it loaded the latest save file (either locally or from the server), which had just your progress from yesterday in it.

To prevent this from happening in the future, you should always manually sync/save before closing idle (and especially when swapping devices). You can manually trigger a sync in the app from Menu > Sync or by using CTRL ALT G if you're playing from browser.

The auto-sync is supposed to prevent issues like this, but auto-sync only runs every 10 minutes or when leaving idle using the in-game back button. (This means that it does not auto-sync if you close the app or browser tab.)

Regardless of why it happened, you should report your lost progress to the developer by reporting a bug (Menu > Help > Contact > Report Bug)
Progress back to yesterday’s state: 2022-10-10 22:16:55

Level 40
Thanks a lot JK_3!

I reported the bug as suggested, no news yet.
I will now manually sync and see if the problem happens again!

Thank you again!
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