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Bug Far land using market raid: 2022-09-30 07:07:36

Level 58
When I used market raid at Far land the result was only 1 item of each product at the market instead of a lot. I used supercharge mine before to get evenmore out of the market, but the result is a bug. I used a second market raid to recheck and the result was only 1 of each product again.

I remember that at the Global Chat someone mentioned this bug as well about 1 month ago. (I don't know if this bug is only triggered in combination with supercharge mine.)
Bug Far land using market raid: 2022-09-30 07:34:27

Level 63
you did you have the recipes unlocked, right?
Bug Far land using market raid: 2022-09-30 07:50:32

Level 58
I understand it now:

The recipe of the market item/alloy is needed to get more than 1 of it when using market raid.

So this means it was not a bug at Far land.

Thanks for clarifying at the forum and chat.
Bug Far land using market raid: 2022-09-30 14:02:11

Level 25
You can get only one item in some cases even if you have the recipe. The amount you get depends on your production capacity. So, how much of said item/alloy can you make from your mine output and smelter/crafter speeds/efficiency in some time frame (can't recall what this is, might be one hour or so, I don't memorize these numbers). So, let's say you have the copper wire recipe and the copper bar recipe but not a single mine that outputs copper, then you (officially) can't produce copper wires either (even if practically you could use copper bars from markets) and raiding for copper wires will give you only 1, too. The same goes if you have copper mines and the copper wire recipe, but don't have the copper bar recipe. When raiding a market and you get 1 item of some type it's usually a consolidation price for not being able to produce more in that time frame that the game uses to calculate the amount. But for more complex recipes that take several hours, 1 item might be all you can get even if you have a lot of mines and smelters/crafters.

After a fix some time ago you will be guaranteed to get 10 items of each time if you do a superpowered market raid. This used to give only 1, too at some point.

Edited 9/30/2022 14:03:57
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