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Hard Copper Creek Castle, no legend to be found...: 2022-08-18 17:17:53

Level 58
I read many times in the forum the the reward for this level would have been a legendary Triple Strike. I couldn't resist the temptation so I tackled the level before even getting properly started on level 2 advancements (yes it took a while), but I received TS as Epic. It was a little disappointing to be honest. Did the reward change over time or maybe was it a inside joke?

Edited 8/18/2022 17:19:02
Hard Copper Creek Castle, no legend to be found...: 2022-08-18 17:26:47

Level 40
It changed in:

- Idle: Hardened Copper Creek Castle's reward is now an epic artifact, since it can be earned multiple times with super ascend.

For fairness it should have been a legendary on your 1st completion and always an epic afterwards. A boolean ClaimedLegTS=true; flag that persisted after a super ascension would have been enough.
Hard Copper Creek Castle, no legend to be found...: 2022-08-18 19:53:33

Chief Rollie 
Level 61
Although the legendary is gone the epic triple strike can still be greatly useful on your first ascension. There are a few monstrous territories where saving 80% of your armies is beneficial especially when you don't have the mercenaries or the money to properly tackle the level.
Hard Copper Creek Castle, no legend to be found...: 2022-08-18 19:55:34

Level 53
I like Xeno's suggestion.

WarTog was lucky enough to get a Legendary. So I basically have that deal. And it seems totally fair.


But I feel bad for all the ppl that didn't get that deal.

Hard Copper Creek Castle, no legend to be found...: 2022-08-18 20:51:32

Level 58
Thanks for the detailed answers, I really appreciate them. I have no doubt the artifact will be incredibly useful no matter what, it was just the expectation that made it feel a little like a disappointment.
Hard Copper Creek Castle, no legend to be found...: 2022-08-20 13:50:45

Level 61
At Legendary, it is useful. It "produces" armies when you conquer a territory. The more in the territory the more it produces. Legendary is 160%.
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