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Bug/Feature Request for No Split Dialog Box: 2022-08-18 11:41:18

Doctor K 
Level 61

In No Split Mode, there is an issue.

Deleting orders cannot be done from the dialog box above. Has to be done from the "orders" list, below.

In large maps, finding the order in a big list is hard. I am playing 62nd move of big map no-split game and it's old now. Sometimes, must clear all orders just to correct one.
Please add a "delete" button to the above dialog box.

Alternatively, if you click the territory, the orders in the "list" should "filter" based on selected territory.

Doctor K

PS. I cannot find the "feature request" page, I can cross post this there.
Bug/Feature Request for No Split Dialog Box: 2022-08-18 13:20:17

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62

But don't expect much from it. I saw a request for "mail whole clan" or even "blind carbon copy whole clan". Fizzer denied it, that it would be not useful because you can put it in the clan chat.
Bug/Feature Request for No Split Dialog Box: 2022-08-18 13:28:07

Doctor K 
Level 61
yea I agree -- although fizzer says "use the uservoice" it is a popularity contest first, and second, it may not matter how popular the idea is if fizzer doesn't like it.

Adding a delete button to this dialog seems like a no-brainer. We will see. :D. thanks for the link and reading the post.

Here is the Cross Post on User Voice. Please add your vote right now.


Edited 8/18/2022 13:45:48
Bug/Feature Request for No Split Dialog Box: 2022-08-18 16:05:27

Level 14
"Mail entire clan" WOULD BE useful.

True, you can chat to your own clan, but what if you want to contact all members of another clan?
Right now, you have to click on each and, because of the 20 addressees cap, you may have to send several mails, ending up in several threads, where not everyone is participating.

I'm definitely PRO "Mail entire clan".
Bug/Feature Request for No Split Dialog Box: 2022-08-18 19:17:50

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
The main issue with the chat is, that chat is not permanent. Even if you assume a mostly dead clan, the message will be gone in ... 2 days? (Because of the 100 limit)

Edited 8/18/2022 19:18:02
Bug/Feature Request for No Split Dialog Box: 2022-08-21 23:42:33

Level 63
Please add a "delete" button to the above dialog box.

Yep, NS mode sucks cause you cant delete your orders by setting the army size to 0. So adding a button to delete the order is a great idea!

"Mail entire clan" WOULD BE useful.

besides mail entire clan, an "invite entire clan" would also be very useful for setting up clan tournaments (currently both of these problems can be solved with some console commands, but requiring players to (ab)use undocumented API's in for loops doesnt sounds like a very safe thing...)
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