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Power leveling: 2022-07-07 13:29:15

Level 62
So some know but for those that don’t I am trying to get to level 69 in a years time.

I started on 2/22/22 and I’m already halfway to level 63.

I do 500 games a day on average.

If anyone would like to help me that would be amazing. And you can get points in the process! I make duel lottos all the time.
Power leveling: 2022-07-07 13:35:01

master of desaster 
Level 66
You are level 66 and are 24.17% of the way to level 67 (6,798,038 / 28,117,800)

so at your current pace you will need 4.5 Months to do that step, assuming you were lvl 65 already. you will have to step up your gamecount a bit.
Power leveling: 2022-07-07 13:44:23

Level 63
Current xp:		23,164,150
Time elapsed:		136 days
Xp per day:		170,324

Target xp: 		192,430,500
Xp remaining:		169,266,350
Estimated time needed:	994 days

Yeah, you're not going to make it. Especially since the xp you get per game gets lower as you level up, and also gets reduced if you beat the same players too often. So realistically speaking if you keep going at your current pace, it will take you at least 1100 days.
Power leveling: 2022-07-07 13:48:03

Level 62
Thank you master of desaster that is good to know

Guess I will go as hard as possible until 2/22/23 then . Thanks for the help and breakdown jk! Your the best :D

Thank you both!

Edited 7/7/2022 15:07:17
Power leveling: 2022-07-07 14:51:59

Level 60
it's past 2/22/22 already
Power leveling: 2022-07-07 15:07:58

Level 62
I mean 2023 not 2022. I miss typed. 2022 is when I started this profile.
Power leveling: 2022-07-07 15:21:25

Level 62
invite me
Power leveling: 2022-07-07 23:42:06

Level 60
why in the world are you in over 500 games
Power leveling: 2022-07-07 23:46:11

Level 64
You are level 62 and are 94.23% of the way to level 63 (7,432,470 / 7,886,900)
In the last 30 days, you've earned 923,358 points.
In total, you've earned 26,653,170 points.

Will take me about 166 months to get to lvl 69 at my pace
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