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iOS app: 2022-06-29 04:00:52

Level 59
For quite some time now, I have used the Warzone app on my iPhone to play Warzone Classic, but have used the separate Warzone Idle app to play Idle. Maybe it was my imagination, but I felt like the “Idle only” app worked better for me. Anyway, it just came to my attention that there are new Phase 4 advancements that still are not available in the Idle-only app because it’s still at version 5.17 and there is not a newer version in the App Store. Is that going to change, or has development on the Idle-only app stopped? I think I’d like to get Auto Dig, so I may need to switch where I play…
iOS app: 2022-06-29 04:06:15

Level 62

Edited 6/29/2022 05:23:22
iOS app: 2022-06-29 04:56:31

Level 64

Warzone Creator
I decided not to push the latest update to the iOS Idle app, so if you want the newest features you should use the Classic app (the classic app has the entire idle game and should work just as well, if you're having problems with it please report a bug)

Once the next update is ready, both the classic and idle iOS apps will be updated with it, but that may be a while.
iOS app: 2022-06-29 11:18:31

Level 59
Ok thanks for the info. My observation is that when I play Idle using the Classic app I see more lag when taking actions like switching artifacts or buying from Markets, and my phone runs hotter and uses more battery faster. Maybe it’s time for a new phone. :)
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