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nothing worse than when people lie about income: 2022-06-11 16:59:15

Level 63
poor sportsmanship. BL people like https://www.warzone.com/Profile?p=4076141338 that do it please

likely wouldn't have made a difference in outcome, they lied and said had 25 when they had 21 (i only had 15), but c'mon. why?
nothing worse than when people lie about income: 2022-06-11 17:00:23

Level 63
and, please, please @fizzer-- make it so people on your BL don't match with you in QM games.
nothing worse than when people lie about income: 2022-06-11 17:00:40

Level 62
link the game for proof please
nothing worse than when people lie about income: 2022-06-11 18:16:07

Level 62
I disagree that there's nothing worse than lying about income. There are plenty of things worse than lying about income. For example, in my opinion I think that molesting children is worse than lying about income.
nothing worse than when people lie about income: 2022-06-14 19:03:16

Level 58
@Mongoose we believe you, but was this on Rise of Rome, Battle Islands V, or what's the game link?
nothing worse than when people lie about income: 2022-06-14 19:40:13

Level 63
nothing funnier than when ppl fall for it >:D
nothing worse than when people lie about income: 2022-06-15 22:35:08

Level 58
@Mongoose It is impossible to prevent people you have blocked from meeting you in QM.
It would be full of people blocking top players just to not be matched with them
(I agree with mathematicians message , however I wanted to add that in my opinion even killing someone is worse than lying about income)

Edited 6/15/2022 22:37:19
nothing worse than when people lie about income: 2022-06-17 10:08:09

Doctor K 
Level 62
This is a game of gentleman.
Lying about income is poor sportsmanship, it's terrible.
It is one of the worst things in the game.

But, people taking time to argue that child abuse, or murder, is worse than lying, that is just trolling. Nobody cares, to argue semantics... and you are proving that people will say anything to get attention.
nothing worse than when people lie about income: 2022-06-17 10:32:55

Level 58
Mah , in my opinion you should relax a little bit....
I responded to his proposal about making sure you don't meet the people you blocked in QM and then I made a joke.
nothing worse than when people lie about income: 2022-06-17 21:10:39

Level 55
The guy who is supposed to be a POS in this instance (and in most instances where buttblasted kiddos come on to the forums to complain about X person) seems like a magnificent man compared to the thread creator. You aren't selling me on X person being a bad guy, quite the opposite. After all he has probably never made even one forum post let alone complained about X person in a forum post. That makes him a Chad. You should follow his example.

Edited 6/17/2022 21:16:15
nothing worse than when people lie about income: 2022-06-17 21:16:07

Level 63
How about one guy in an FFA with 'must accept surrenders' refusing to accept all surrenders until that is a threat to him, then accepts? That's kind of bad too right? I mean obv below murder & molestation, but on par with income lying, surely?
nothing worse than when people lie about income: 2022-06-17 21:19:39

Level 55
A true magnificent player has never read one forum post yet has dozens of threads about him. That is the mark of a great man.
nothing worse than when people lie about income: 2022-06-20 14:42:45

Level 58
Lying about income is a psychological tactic, to fake the income gives fake information on the opponent, either giving them too much courage to do outrageous and offensive moves that would risk his army, pressurise on him so that he surrenders, or in the most basic level, giving him emotional stress on the amount of armies he is behind you and forces him to expand further and disrupting his mind.
Play light fog games lmao
nothing worse than when people lie about income: 2022-06-23 05:12:59

Level 57
I've had people rage at me for lying about income or simply not giving it out.

Why the fuck would I give someone information that will determine whether they surrender, hold, or push?

Crazy for OP, and others, to assume they're entitled to that information.
nothing worse than when people lie about income: 2022-06-25 21:20:18

Graaf Reinoud I 
Level 59
There're far worst things then lying about income, it is just a tactic for winning the game.
Lying is part of human nature, especially in war games.

It is much worst if players pretend to be an ally and then next turn attack you without warning or just talking bad about your actions in diplomacy games. I really hate that.

Playing QM games against players on your blacklist seems like a bug to me, or just bad luck
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