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Is it possible to buy Warzone with enough money?: 2022-04-30 04:15:28

Warsaw Pact
Level 60
Hypothetically if I was a multimillionaire, could I buy Warzone?

Is there a price tag on this game that Fizzer would accept? Like if I offered Fizzer 10 million dollars in cash to buy this game would he accept?
Is it possible to buy Warzone with enough money?: 2022-04-30 05:38:45

Level 64

Warzone Creator
I get offers occasionally but I always reply with the same thing: Warzone is my passion project and it's not something I'd be willing to part with

Edited 4/30/2022 05:39:09
Is it possible to buy Warzone with enough money?: 2022-04-30 08:09:28

Level 60
fizzer looking at the activision bag rn
Is it possible to buy Warzone with enough money?: 2022-04-30 09:47:46

Level 58
dang it my entire story relied on warzone being bought out by microsoft
also have you ever considered renaming it back to warlight?
Is it possible to buy Warzone with enough money?: 2022-04-30 10:40:42

Level 63
Warzone is my passion project and it's not something I'd be willing to part with

What if you could become CEO of WZ Inc. and War Pact would own it?
Or does that still give War Pact too much control?
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