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Resource Gift Requests: 2022-02-21 15:51:20

{N.W.} Rasche 
Level 61

Whenever I try to fill a Resource Gift Request (From the computer/web platform), I get the same error message: "You must open a Warzone Idle level to fill requests."

To clarify:
-I am in a Warzone Idle level with adequate resources to meet the request.
-Clan Chat automatically opens in a separate window (Using the Icon by Mail), which I suspect is where the issue stems from, but have no knowledge of how to have the chat overlay/merge with the Warzone Idle level.
-Using the "Chat" link under the Community dropdown opens within the same window, but takes me away from the Idle level.

Any tips are appreciated- thanks in advance!

EDIT: Found a workaround by using iOS app to process the request, but I'd still be curious to hear any solutions for folks using mainly the computer/web platform.

Edited 2/21/2022 16:40:14
Resource Gift Requests: 2022-02-21 16:24:52

Level 63
Open the request window by clicking the button in the Ore tab.

Fill and make requests from there.
Resource Gift Requests: 2022-02-21 16:39:48

{N.W.} Rasche 
Level 61
Thanks for pointing that out- I've never seen that link before, though admittedly I don't spend much time on the Ore tab.
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