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Suggestion: New Distribution mode: 2022-02-07 15:41:43

Glory to Czechland
Level 55
Dear Warlight players,

I suggest adding a new distribution mode in the game. The distribution mode would be called Random Reinforced Warlords Distribution. It would work like Random Warlords Distribution, but ignored bonuses that aren't duplicated. Why would that be useful?

Take a look at a map like https://www.warzone.com/SinglePlayer?PreviewMap=69965. Random Warlords Distribution is virtually unusable, making the map almost useless where it comes to strategic gameplay (templates like strat 1v1). Even though the bonus system idea looks very interesting. Hower, all bonuses shown on map are duplicated. Random Reinforced Warlords Distribution would also allow map makers to make players spawn only in certain bonuses (you can just make two bonusus worth +1 and -1 containing the same territories), or in certain areas which would intersect traditional bonuses.

Overall, with, what I assume, very little coding time spend, you would essentially allow map-makers to add a new gimmick in their maps, potentially creating very interesting templates. You can also add Random Reinforced Cities Distribution, however I don't think that would be as impactful as Random Reinforced Warlords Distribution would be.

Glory to Czechland
- downvoted post by Bring * back! ⌛sucks!
Suggestion: New Distribution mode: 2022-02-08 22:13:35

Level 63
Instead of using a distribution mode, just use full distribution and add a lot of small wastelands.

That results in pretty much the same effect.
Suggestion: New Distribution mode: 2022-02-08 22:19:02

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Dear JK_3,

It is not.

Suggestion: New Distribution mode: 2022-02-08 23:40:06

Level 60
Overall, with, what I assume, very little coding time spend, you would essentially allow map-makers to add a new gimmick in their maps, potentially creating very interesting templates.

Luckily, you can also code it yourself. This is very much possible for a Mod to do, and in fact, I have done if for a different map already. For inspiration see : https://github.com/TBestLittleHelper/WarLightMods/blob/master/TBest_Mods/More_Distribution/Server_StartDistribution.lua
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