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Why I Tourney by Doktor K: 2022-01-29 04:29:06

Doctor K 
Level 61
Top 3 Reasons Why Doctor K Plays the Tournaments

1. Tourneys earn **Mega Points** compared to any other time spent on WarZone.
2. With many double elimination, two chances to improve your game.
3. Coin Coin Coin -- you can earn coin. Warzone coin is fun money.

Top 3 tips How to Tourney:
A. Find a Partner -- who beats you a lot? Ask them to partner.
B. Join a Clan -- Find a Partner who plays your game there.
C. Play a fun 2 v 2 map, and, know all the moves on it. Playing about 10 games should do it.

Now you are ready to tourney.

Or do Like i do.. dive in any tournament here...
Why I Tourney by Doktor K: 2022-01-29 04:31:09

Level 59
The title says "Doktor K" but your username is Doctor K.

Did you ask Doktor K for permission before reposting their work?
Why I Tourney by Doktor K: 2022-01-29 04:33:04

Doctor K 
Level 61
Well, I have called myself Doktor K and Doctor K the two. I'm also known as Dr. K and Green. Sorry for any confusion.

Tourney Away!
Why I Tourney by Doktor K: 2022-01-29 04:35:03

Level 59
So you've been stealing at least 3 other identities? Do Doktor K, Dr. K, and Green even know that you just go around online masquerading as them??? It's gonna take a lot more than "sorry" to make it up to these poor innocent victims.
Why I Tourney by Doktor K: 2022-01-29 04:37:16

Doctor K 
Level 61
Here in the Claniverse one has the option to be anyone. its Awesome. Huzzah!

Edited 1/29/2022 04:38:58
Why I Tourney by Doktor K: 2022-01-29 04:39:04

Level 59
Play a fun 2 v 2 map, and, know all the moves on it. Playing about 10 games should do it.
Do you have any recommendations?
Why I Tourney by Doktor K: 2022-01-29 04:40:42

Doctor K 
Level 61
Doktor K recommends~!

Drum Roll Please......

... the Small Earth Map.

Learn the Small Earth Map.


Edited 1/29/2022 04:42:31
Why I Tourney by Doktor K: 2022-01-29 07:25:28

Level 58
Why I Tourney by Doktor K: 2022-01-29 10:17:26

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
SE1W is my favourite 2v2 template as well.

Edited 1/29/2022 10:17:40
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