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Where is the high level vs low level thread gone?: 2022-01-15 18:58:17

Harvey Beck
Level 14
Did you seriously delete it out of fear me and the lads would win???
Where is the high level vs low level thread gone?: 2022-01-15 19:00:05

Harvey Beck
Level 14
This is absolutely outrageous, you got rid of the entire concept which would’ve been a laugh, you backed down from low levellers out of fear of humiliation
Where is the high level vs low level thread gone?: 2022-01-15 20:54:18

Level 59
Ordinary players can't delete forum threads. Only forum/site admins can.
Where is the high level vs low level thread gone?: 2022-01-15 21:30:01

Robert Gray
Level 4
I can’t believe a few lads from England are running the show here
Where is the high level vs low level thread gone?: 2022-01-15 23:06:37

Level 62
I really do not see how level has anything to do with whether they can win. . Don't you mean experience
Where is the high level vs low level thread gone?: 2022-01-15 23:08:20

Bring * back! ⌛sucks! 
Level 62
Yes, the forum was deleted, for whatever reason.
I know nothing about it.
The link still works, though,

Edited 1/15/2022 23:08:39
Where is the high level vs low level thread gone?: 2022-01-15 23:36:19

Darth Grover
Level 52
I'm really starting to get confused by the obvious hostility these kids have towards me. I can't delete threads and I'm generally friendly to everyone.

I honestly think the meanest thing I've ever said was telling l4v.r0v that I think California is hilarious last week. And I even felt bad after saying that.

Sorry, l4v.r0v.
Where is the high level vs low level thread gone?: 2022-01-16 01:17:08

Level 59
I honestly think the meanest thing I've ever said was telling l4v.r0v that I think California is hilarious last week. And I even felt bad after saying that.

Sorry, l4v.r0v.
Don't apologize or feel bad about that. It wasn't disrespectful or an insult, just harmless opinion at worst. Voicing a not-wholly-positive opinion about something is not the same as being mean.

If you broaden the definition of meanness and toxicity to such an extent, then meaningful conversation becomes impossible and bad faith actors can abuse it to crack down on discussion they don't want to happen.

Edited 1/16/2022 01:20:07
Where is the high level vs low level thread gone?: 2022-01-16 02:17:06

Level 59
"bad faith actors"

you must read a lot of books cuz it's not everyday language O.O
Where is the high level vs low level thread gone?: 2022-01-16 03:19:24

Darth Grover
Level 52
@ l4v.r0v,

That is actually a really good point.

I think what I actually felt bad about was dismissing your opinion in what otherwise could have been a meaningful discussion/debate on the merits of the GDP as a measure of quality of life for the average person by my making a snarky remark about your home state and yourself. It was logical fallacy and completely unnecessary on my part.

One of the worries I have about modern society is the increasing inability of people to respectfully disagree with each other. It is in vogue to believe that it is possible for an individual to be in possession of the whole and complete truth, and that any contrary opinion to one's own is therefore invalid, uneducated, meaningless, stupid, evil, etc. The belief follows that such opinions could only be held by a person who is equally uneducated, meaningless, stupid, evil, etc.

History has shown time and again where this line of thinking ends.

Maybe this was a bit too deep a subject for this thread. I'll close by saying:

Where is the high level vs low level thread gone?: 2022-01-16 03:21:12

Darth Grover
Level 52

After all that I think I'm even MORE confused than before about the hostility I've been getting from Harvey and Cazza. At risk of speaking too soon, it seems like maybe Robert is mellowing out?
Where is the high level vs low level thread gone?: 2022-01-16 04:41:45

Level 59
Where is the high level vs low level thread gone?: 2022-01-16 04:51:40

Level 59
meaningful discussion/debate on the merits of the GDP
If I wanted that meaningful discussion, I would not be on the WZ OT forums. Honestly, these forums aren't even a good place to have meaningful discussions about Warzone.
Where is the high level vs low level thread gone?: 2022-01-16 05:14:52

Darth Grover
Level 52
Ahaha another good point.
Where is the high level vs low level thread gone?: 2022-01-17 16:30:27

Level 59
If you don't wanna offend anyone, you have never truly lived your life

Especially, you will not survive in OT very long.

This is a place only for tough people, like me and loxiv.

If you want survive a day here, you need to embrace the rules of the street
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