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S**tposting battle: 2022-01-04 00:08:40

Level 59
I challenge you to a s**tposting battle,

to see who is the most smart/edgy/elitist

Xenophon, Bane/Thanos, Pulsey, Nauz, Octane and MoD are especially welcomed
S**tposting battle: 2022-01-04 00:25:39

bliss machine
Level 62
you are a good warzone player. wish you would play more rather than post endless shit on forums. waste of your talent. your warzone ability is a hell of a lot higher than the entertainment your forum posts bring.
S**tposting battle: 2022-01-04 01:01:50

Darth Grover
Level 52
grover is a good warzone player. wish grover would play more rather than post endless grovers on forums. waste of grover's talent. grover's warzone ability is a hell of a lot higher than the entertainment grover's forum posts bring.
S**tposting battle: 2022-01-04 01:51:53

Level 59
***THIS POST DOESN'T COUNT IN S*%$%*%$*G BATTLE*** unrelated

@finding machine-washed cloth

Thank you for compliment.
You're right. There's one simple reason why I'm not playing anymore though.

No self-control. I can play a lot, or not at all. Nothing in-between.

It's too addicting and distracting so the only choice to control myself, is not play at all.

As for my forum activity, it is what it is haha
not gonna deny any of it. 5 years ago I posted more serious, but rn all i want is joke around

Truth is, I deserve and expect to be slapped from time to time.
I'm surprised no one said to me "stfu" or something xD
people are too nice I guess

Edited 1/4/2022 02:04:49
S**tposting battle: 2022-01-04 04:20:58

Level 50
1. c4 e5 2. Nc3 Bd6 3. g3 Nf6 4. Bg2 O-O 5. Nf3 c5 6. O-O Nc6 7. d3 Nd4 8. Bg5 Nxf3+ 9. Bxf3 Re8 10. Ne4 h6 11. Bxf6 gxf6 12. Qa4 f5 13. Nxd6 Qf6 14. Nxe8 Qe6 15. Nc7 b5 16. Qxb5 Ba6 17. Qxa6 Qxa6 18. Nxa6 Re8 19. Bb7 Rb8 20. Bd5 d6 21. Rab1 Rb6 22. Nc7 f4 23. gxf4 exf4 24. Rfc1 Kf8 25. Kg2 Ke7 26. e3 Kd7 27. Nb5 fxe3 28. fxe3 Rb8 29. Rf1 a6 30. Na7 Rg8+ 31. Kh1 Rf8 32. Rf5 f6 33. Rg1 Kc7 34. Rg7+ Kb6 35. Rb7+ Ka5 36. Nc6+ Ka4 37. Rb3 Re8 38. Ra3#
S**tposting battle: 2022-01-04 07:53:01

Level 46
S**tposting battle: 2022-01-04 09:05:42

Level 59
My tip for everybody:

If you wanna outsmart your opponents, you need to think bigger.

Those who follow the crowd, lose

The game is rigged
The winning move in not to play

Are you a wolf or a sheeple?
S**tposting battle: 2022-01-04 14:42:11

Level 58
Whoever doesn't shitpost in this thread shall die as many times as someone played on war(light). At least a million times.

Edited 1/4/2022 15:04:56
S**tposting battle: 2022-01-05 06:10:45

Darth Grover
Level 52
111 times
S**tposting battle: 2022-01-05 07:46:08

Level 58
should I buy a Schopenhauer book?
S**tposting battle: 2022-01-05 17:33:12

Darth Grover
Level 52
What's a Schopenhaur
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